Sign here to support Dr. Root Gorelick!

December 2015

As one of our first member wide actions in support of Dr. Root Gorelick and the ongoing issue with the Carleton University Board of Governors we have written an open letter. After the signatures are collected, the letter will be sent to the Carleton University Board of Governors in order to show that CUASA members, the Carleton community and allies stand by Dr. Gorelick, and condemn the actions of the Board of Governors to limit his academic freedom. Please share this letter with your networks, all those in support of Dr. Gorelick are encouraged to sign.

Please sign here



On Saturday November 28th the delegates at the 79th CAUT Council meeting unanimously passed a motion condemning Carleton University for its disregard for democratic and transparent functioning of the University, and referred the matter to their Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee.

This motion was motivated by the decision of Carleton University to have the members of the Carleton University Board of Governors sign a newly revised Statement of General Duties, Fiduciary Responsibilities, and Conflict of Interest. The revised statement imposed additional restrictions on a member’s ability to speak publicly about board meetings.

In order to encourage transparency and good governance, CUASA member Dr. Root Gorelick, who is one of 2 elected faculty representatives on the Carleton University Board of Governors, has blogged regularly about open meetings of the Board since 2013. Under the revised statement, Dr. Gorelick is prohibited from continuing to blog about anything discussed by the Board of Governors. As a result, he has refused to sign the revised statement and is facing the threat of removal from the Board of Governors.

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