Salary & Benefits

Salary Information


Increases to faculty, instructor and librarian salaries are, for the most part, determined by the collective agreement. Initial salaries are negotiated by candidates during the recruitment process. For more information, see the Job Candidates page.

For information on salary adjustments or requesting a review of your salary, please see the section on Salary Rationalization below.

Understanding Academic Staff Salaries

In general, academic staff salary scales are designed to to recognize both the continuous professional development and significant amount of formal education required of academic staff.

When an academic staff member begins their career, it is typically at a salary that is below the average. Throughout their career, academic staff at Carleton receive negotiated scale increases (usually expressed as a percentage and/or a lump sum) and Career Development Increments (CDIs).

CDIs are an annual performance-based increase to the member’s salary. CDIs are awarded to all eligible members, provided they meet certain criteria (see Article 40.3). The CDI continues to be awarded until the member reaches the ceiling, though it is reduced once the member passes the breakpoint.

For more information on academic staff salaries, please see Article 44 of the collective agreement, or contact us if you have questions.

Salary Adjustment Process

The Salary Adjustment Process was established by Appendix E of the Collective Agreement. The Salary Adjustment Commission considers requests for salary adjustments from members of CUASA and/or the Deans.

Salaries are normally evaluated under one or more of the following categories:

  • Anomaly or Inequity: an adjustment may be made through a comparison between the applicant’s salary, the standard line and to other members (normally those from the same department).
  • Special Merit: an adjustment may be made after an examination of the applicant’s work with special attention to prestigious awards or other special critical attention arising out of major pieces of work. This is normally considered to signal extraordinary achievement.
  • Offers of Alternative Employment: an adjustment may be made when there is clear evidence that the applicant is well-positioned to leave the institution for another university.
  • Market Differentials: an adjustment may be made to correct a market differential. These requests often come from a Dean.

The Salary Adjustment Commission also reviews salaries of academic staff who have been denied a CDI and those who have been delayed beyond the normal time for promotion.

It can take some time to receive a response to a request for an adjustment, depending on the commission’s meeting schedule. Applications should include a CV and any other relevant documentation.

For assistance in making an application, please contact the CUASA Office. Please indicate which of the categories above you wish to be considered under.

Benefits Information


The Association has negotiated a benefit package on behalf of our members that includes:

  • Health and Dental Coverage
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Pension
  • Employee and Family Assistance Program
  • Tuition Benefits
  • Professional Expense Reimbursement
  • Athletic Centre Access

Some information about the benefits available to Association members is available below. For more information, consult Article 39 of the collective agreement, the Carleton University website, or Carleton’s Benefits at a Glance.

If you have any questions about your benefits, or wish to access the full benefits booklet, you can contact CUASA or Carleton Human Resources.

Health & Dental Benefits

Health and dental benefits for CUASA members are administered through Canada Life.

Annual deductible: $25 per covered person, to a maximum of $50 per family annually (does not apply to emergency travel, hospitalization and vision)

The health plan, among other things, covers the following to certain limits:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Paramedical Services
  • Hospitalization
  • Home Nursing
  • Medical Supplies and Prosthetics
  • Ambulance Services
  • Orthopedic Shoes or Boots
  • Orthodics
  • Hearing Aids
  • Out of Country Emergency Care
  • Vision Care

The dental plan provides coverage for basic, major restorative and orthodontic services.

For details on the health and dental plans, please see Carleton’s Benefits at a Glance.

Pension Plan

The Carleton University Retirement Plan provides a pension for members retiring from service at Carleton University. In exchange for regular contributions while members are employed, the Plan provides income through retirement.

Pension issues are extremely complex. If you have questions about the pension plan, please contact Carleton’s Pension Fund Management Office. For more information, please see the following resources:

Long-Term Disability Plan

Long-Term Disability is meant to cover members if they become unable to work for an extended period of time due to illness or injury. The program is designed to provide members with a monthly income replacement.

The process for applying for disability can be complicated, as are the eligibility and assessment requirements. Please contact Carleton Human Resources or the CUASA Office for advice if you are in a situation where you may require this coverage.

Applications for LTD should be made no later than three months before the end of the qualifying period, so it is important to apply early. For more information, see the Carleton Long-Term Disability document.

Life Insurance Plan

The Life Insurance Plan covers members while they are employed at Carleton. Should something happen to the member, the plan would provide the beneficiary of the plan with payment linked to the member’s salary.

Members may also purchase additional life insurance for themselves or their spouse.

Please see Carleton’s Benefits at a Glance for more details.

Tuition Waiver

Members, their spouse, or eligible dependents are eligible for free tuition for credit courses offered by Carleton University. Students qualifying for tuition reimbursement must maintain academic standing.

Dependents are defined as the children of the employee under the age of 26 to whom the employee provides regular financial support.

There are reciprocal agreements with other institutions under this program.

For more information on the tuition waiver program, see the University’s Education Benefits webpage, or contact Carleton Human Resources.

Employee & Family Assistance Program

The Employee and Family Assistance Program provides free, professional and confidential counselling and referral services to CUASA members and their families. This service is provided through Family Services Ottawa.

For more information, please see the Carleton Employee and Family Assistance Program website.

Professional Expense Reimbursement

CUASA members are entitled to a professional expense reimbursement account to purchase items related to the performance of their professional or teaching duties. This account can be used for books, equipment, memberships in professional associations or for travel. For eligible expenses, see the PER Handbook.

The PER amount under the 2021-2024 collective agreement is $2,200 per year. On each May 1, unspent portions will be carried over provided the total does not exceed five (5) years entitlement. Balances in excess of five years will be permanently removed and transferred to the CUASA Scholarship Fund. Claims generally must be submitted by April 30 of each year.

Claims are submitted through the Carleton Travel and Expense Reimbursement System.