CUASA in the news

January 2016

The Ottawa Sun – Carleton prof promises ‘civil disobedience’ by Aedan Helmer (January 27, 2016)

The Ottawa CitizenCarleton professor retains board seat, vows ‘civil disobedience’ by Aedan Helmer (January 27, 2016)

The Ottawa Sun Public service head under fire for ‘Nazi’ accusations by Mark Kennedy (January 25, 2016)

The National Post New public service head faces heat over email comparing student protesters to ‘brownshirts’ by Mark Kennedy (January 25, 2016)

The Huffington PostMichael Wernick, Clerk Of The Privy Council, Urged To Apologize For ‘Totally Unacceptable’ Comments by Zi-Ann Lum (January 25, 2016)

Digital JournalOp-Ed: Canada’s top civil servant called student protesters Brownshirts by Ken Hanly (January 25, 2016)

The Leveller BoG Bogs Down Professor by Charissa Feres (January 25, 2016)

La RotondeBureau des gouver­neurs : Désyn­di­ca­li­sa­tion, confi­den­tia­lité, liberté d’ex­pres­sion : forma­lité admi­nis­tra­tive ou outil de musè­le­ment? by Yasmine Mehdi (January 18, 2016)

Socialist WorkerCorporate U takes the offensive by John Bell (December 18, 2016)

Le Droit – Secrets académiques by Pierre Jury (December 16 2015)

Ottawa CitizenCarleton spat with faculty damaging university’s reputation, says governance expert by Chris Cobb (15 Dec 2015)

CFRA 580 AM, News Talk Radio – “Carleton board of governors representative fights for academic freedoms” by Alison Sandor (14 December 2015).

Ottawa CitizenProf refuses to sign agreement, Carleton faces censure over secrecy orderby Chris Cobb (14 December 2015). Print edition: 15 December 2015, page A4.

Canadian PressCarleton professor facing expulsion from board backed by university teachers by Terry Pedwell (14 December 2015)

CKCU 93.1 FM – “Carleton BoG Gags Committee (and not in a fun way)” interview by Joseph Hutt (8 December 2015). Interview at 12:00 – 26:00, plus more on BoG gags at 37:20 – 43:20.

CBC NewsCarleton University student, staff groups demand governance changes: ‘We saw this as an attack,’ says student representative about proposed changes to board of Governors” by Elyse Skura (4 December 2015)

RyersonianRyerson prof blasts Carleton’s new policy breaching academic freedom by Lana Hall (4 December 2015) – Battle of the blog: Fighting for freedom of speech at Carleton University” by Jen Halsall (4 December 2015)

Ottawa SunCarleton U risks international blacklist due to openness concerns by Dani-Elle Dube (2 December 2015).

CharlatanCarleton’s BoG under investigation by Canadian Association of University Teachers by Sima Shakeri (3 December 2015). Print edition: 3 December 2015; Volume 45, Issue 17, Page 2.

Junction – “Carleton gag order impacts students, professorsandReaction to gag order overwhelmingly negative on Twitter” by Olivia Bowden (1 December 2015).

Ottawa CitizenCarleton board of governors a free speech battleground by Andrew Duffy (30 November 2015). Print edition: 1 December 2015, page A4.

CFRA 580 AM, News Talk Radio – “Blogging the Carleton Board of Governors” interview by Mark Sutcliffe (1 December 2015).

Ottawa CitizenCanadian university professors ‘condemn’ Carleton University board for gag order by Chris Cobb (28 November 2015). Print edition: 30 November 2015, page A4.

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