Letter of Support for the St.Boniface Centre of Excellence for Children, Families and the Community

November 2015

Monsieur Gabor Csepregi, recteur
Monsieur Antoine Hacault, président
Université de Saint-Boniface
200, avenue de la Cathédrale
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2H 0H7


Dear Monsieur Csepregi and Monsieur Hacault,

We stand united with the Université de Saint-Boniface Student Association (AÉUSB), the Association of Professors and Professional Staff at the Université de Saint-Boniface (APPUSB), the Professional Association of the School of Technical and Professional Programs (APÉTP) and the Support Staff for Academic Services at the Université de Saint-Boniface (PASA) in demanding that the Université continue its efforts to establish a Centre of Excellence for Children, Families and the Community.

The lack of adequate childcare services poses a serious problem and acts as a barrier preventing the full participation of community members in their community. Quite apart from the arguments which prove that investments in childcare services produce economic benefits within the community, we wish also to note the positive effects of quality childcare on the social determinants of health within the population, on poverty reduction and on social cohesion.

A Centre of Excellence for Children, Families and the Community (CEEFC) would allow students from various faculties and departments (Nursing Science, Social Work, Early Childhood Education, Education, etc.) the opportunity to deepen their knowledge while putting it into practice in a setting of high quality. The expression “living laboratory” has been used at various times as it successfully captures the dimensions of observation and of research which are important to any university, here in the context of childhood and the family.

With such a Centre, the Université de Saint-Boniface would be better positioned to secure the loyalty of its client base while at the same time expanding it. As the Université proceeds in educating its third generation of graduates, childcare services of quality and easy accessibility would serve as an excellent argument in the recruitment of staff and students caring for children.

Numerous studies in early childhood education have proven that the integration of children within a system of quality care assists them in developing core skills in cooperation and communication as well as in mathematics and reading. One such study has proven that each dollar spent on childcare returns the equivalent of two dollars in social benefits. The economic impact amounts to $1.58 for each dollar invested. Quality care leads to positive outcomes at every level of society: the promotion of social inclusion, increased cultural recognition, and the development of minority rights.

Moreover, in view of the minority situation of Francophones within Manitoba, the Université could serve in improving a situation wherein families are faced with a lack of childcare services during the crucial early years of their children’s linguistic development. This situation poses a significant obstacle to the viability of the French language and undoubtedly contributes to the increasing rates of cultural and linguistic assimilation amongst young Franco Manitobans.

Given that the Université de Saint-Boniface is the only institution of postsecondary education in Manitoba not to have a childcare centre for young children, we strongly urge the Université to address this lack by doing everything in its power to assure that this project comes to fruition.

Angelo Mingarelli
External Relations Officer

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