The Communique (May 24, 2017)

May 24, 2017

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CUASA Steering Committee

Patrice Smith, Neuroscience

Vice President
Justin Paulson, Sociology

Chantal Dion, French

Saul Schwartz, Pub. Pol. &

Chair, Collective Bargaining
Chantal Dion, French

Chair, External
Angelo Mingarelli, Math and

Chair, Grievance
Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology

Salary and Benefits Officer
Greg Franks, Sys. and Comp.

Chair, Internal Affairs
Peter Gose, Anthropology

Communications Officer
Root Gorelick, Biology

Chair, Equity
Dawn Moore, Law and Legal Studies

Chair, Nominations and

Instructor Representative

Librarian Representative
Kristof Avramsson

CUASA Office Staff

Grievance and Arbitration
Christal Côté

Office Manager
Deborah Jackson

Records and Space
Management Coordinator
Liala Swayty

Member Services and Communications Officer
Victor Lorentz

Looming censure: CAUT losing patience with Carleton

On Saturday 6 May 2017, delegates from across Canada attending the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) semi-annual Council meeting debated whether to censure Carleton for lack of openness, transparency, and academic freedom. The censure motion was based on Carleton’s restrictive policies around open sessions of its Board of Governors, imposition of a Code of Conduct for board members that include what amounts to a “gag rule”, lack of academic freedom in university governance, and draconian ineligibility requirements for faculty candidates for open Board positions.

After a lengthy debate, Carleton was granted a temporary reprieve — on a knife’s edge close roll-call vote — as all understood the serious consequences of censure, and many hoped that our employer’s purported willingness to negotiate on these issues was genuine.  CUASA eagerly awaits any news of progress on resolving the lack of openness, transparency, and academic freedom at Carleton.  Judging from the tenor of the debate, there is little possibility that CAUT Council would agree to another deferral when it meets in November 2017.

OCUFA Teaching Award nominees

CUASA congratulates three members who have been nominated for the prestigious Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award. This award is bestowed upon individuals “with exceptional contributions to the higher education community” and who have had a demonstrable “effect upon student learning or cognitive development”. Faculty members whose nomination packages have been submitted to the OCUFA Teaching Awards Selection Committee are:

  • Melanie Adrian, Department of Law and Legal Studies
  • Jim Davies, Institute of Cognitive Sciences
  • Mira Sucharov, Department of Political Science

Reminder: July 1 deadline for submission of referee information for tenure and promotion

Colleagues who will be submitting dossiers this year, under the post-2012 guidelines, for consideration for tenure and promotion are reminded that July 1 is the deadline for the submission of the names and contact information for external referees to your Dean. The dossiers themselves are not due until September 15.

CUASA will again be hosting a series of workshops on tenure and promotion in which we will go over procedures, offer advice, and answer questions. Please stay tuned for dates and times.

CUASA summer hours

Members should be aware that the CUASA offices will now be closing at noon on Fridays. This change begins this Friday, May 26th and regular hours will resume again on September 1st.

Carleton University Academic Staff Association
2006 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6

Phone: 613-520-5607
Fax: 613-520-4426
Email: [email protected]

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Produced by members of Unifor Local 567.

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