Help Nipissing University Faculty Association Avoid a Strike

October 15, 2019

Help Nipissing University Faculty Association Avoid a Strike

The following message comes from Nathan Kozuskanich, NUFA President:

As you may have heard, full-time faculty at Nipissing University have voted in favour of a strike mandate.

After three days of talks with a Ministry of Labour conciliator the weekend of October 4th, the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) asked the conciliator for a “no board” report, which puts us in a strike position on October 28th.

Please help us to avert a strike by sending a message to the Nipissing University Board of Governors to instruct their team to get serious about making a reasonable and fair deal at

After 37 meetings and over seven months of negotiations, the employer refuses to discuss our key issues including pension improvements and they are unwilling to table a financial package. They are proposing claw backs that not only jeopardize faculty research and teaching, but also ultimately compromise the high quality teaching conditions that Nipissing students value.

We are serious about negotiating to avoid a strike but we can’t do this alone. We need the employer to commit to genuine negotiation and that means having the same openness to meet us in a compromise. There is no good reason we can’t reach a deal.

Talks are scheduled to resume with the conciliator on October 20th.

We thank you in advance for your support!

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