Call for Picket and Research Support to Help Teachers’ Unions

February 17, 2020

Call for Picket and Research Support to Help Teachers’ Unions

Ontario’s four major teachers’ unions (Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens, Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, and Ontario Elementary Catholic Teachers Association) are all presently engaged in job action. This includes work-to-rule campaigns, and rotating or province-wide strike actions.

In order to put pressure on the provincial government to return to the bargaining table, all four unions will engage in a province-wide strike this Friday, February 21. This will be the first time since 1997 that all four unions strike on the same day.

As fellow educators, CUASA stands in solidarity with Ontario teachers. We thank them for protecting students, fighting for small class sizes, and putting education first.

The OCUFA Board of Directors passed a motion encouraging all faculty associations to send at least one representative to a picket line during teachers’ walkouts. CUASA President Angelo Mingarelli has been attending, when possible. We encourage members to also visit a picket line when convenient and show your support for Ontario’s teachers. We have flags available in the CUASA Office that members can borrow for picket support.

Additionally, we are issuing a call for research or scholarly works that could help to support the teachers’ unions’ positions at the bargaining table. Any members who have written or are aware of any works concerning the following subjects are asked to please pass them along to the CUASA Office so we might share them with our colleagues at AEFO, ETFO, OSSTF, and OECTA:

  • mandatory e-learning in public schools
  • class sizes
  • the risks of privatization
  • violence in the classroom
  • any other noteworthy subject that affects a public education system
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