Afternoon Updates – March 17

March 17, 2020

Afternoon Updates – March 17

We wanted to pass on some further updates following this afternoon’s call with Deputy Provost Lorraine Dyke.

Any members who are abroad and require assistance have access to Carleton’s SOS program. You can find information on the Carleton SOS program here. If you encounter any issues while travelling, please inform your Chair/Director and CUASA immediately. If need be you may call us collect at (613) 520-5607. You can also reach us at [email protected]. Members who are abroad and in need of assistance should also contact the federal government’s consular services at +1(613) 996-8885 or email [email protected]. Toll free numbers are available for certain countries; a list can be found here.

As the University communicated yesterday, costs incurred to cancel university-sponsored travel plans can be claimed with appropriate receipts and documentation, and charged to all funds (including Tri-Agency funded research). Claims, with scanned supporting documentation, can be made through the Travel and Expense reimbursement system. Travellers must make every effort to recover costs from airlines, hotels and travel insurance before making a claim for reimbursement from the University.

This afternoon, CUASA asked specifically about funds incurred while stranded abroad, or from having to cut short longer-term trips (e.g. rent on sabbatical, research experiments abroad, etc.). The University said anyone with specific questions about using research grants for reimbursement should contact the Carleton Office for Research Initiatives and Services (CORIS) at [email protected].

As classes will resume tomorrow in a mostly online capacity, the University has has increased its bandwidth capabilities by 50% in anticipation for the increased usage on university servers. Any members requiring assistance using Carleton systems for the online work to complete their courses should contact Carleton ITS at [email protected]. ITS has also prepared a webpage checklist on working from home, which you can find here.

CUASA has also asked about the status of spring and summer term courses. We have been advised that discussions are happening, and a decision will be made likely by the end of the week, as registration for these terms is due to open next week.

Finally, CUASA was informed the Carleton Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) will hold its regularly scheduled meeting for next Wednesday, March 25 at 9:00am. The meeting will likely be held online, and the committee will discuss the COVID-19 situation.

We would like to remind CUASA members that we have launched a dedicated COVID-19 page on our website where you can easily find all previous updates, as well as a list of frequently asked questions. The FAQ will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.

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