Afternoon Update – March 20

March 20, 2020

Afternoon Update – March 20

We are now at the end of the first week of recommendations for social distancing. We encourage all CUASA members to take care of yourselves and your families and continue following recommendations from public health and government officials. The federal government’s website on COVID-19 can be found here, and Ottawa Public Health’s can be found here.

Call for Interim Communications Officer

CUASA has an urgent need for an interim Communications Officer to serve on Steering, as well as additional communication volunteers to help form an interim committee to assist the Communications Officer.

We know you are being asked to do a lot right now, and in some cases the impossible, but if some of you feel you can spare some time, please let us know. Many hands make light work.

Elections for Steering Officers will not be held until May, with the term of office beginning July 1, 2020. We are looking to bridge the gap between now and June 30. If you are interested, please email the President, Angelo Mingarelli at [email protected] to express interest. To learn more about the position role and responsibilities, please click here.

Pension Questions

Some members have been wondering if there is an advantage/disadvantage should they retire soon in view of the possibly disastrous state of the economy this year and its effect on the pension plan. The following information, provided by the Pension Office, will show members, by way of an example, the effect of a planned retirement on July 1, 2020 or on a date other than July 1 (but until June 1, 2020). To view this, click here.

Contacting CUASA During COVID-19

Our main contact email address is [email protected]. From there, your message will be redirected appropriately. If you need to contact a specific CUASA staff member, their information can be found here.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of emails from members, so our response time may be delayed. Rest assured we are reading every message and are aware of issues and concerns being raised. There are questions we don’t have answers to yet, but we are working on getting those answers.

Any and all relevant information will be communicated to all CUASA members through daily updates. We would like to remind CUASA members that we have launched a dedicated COVID-19 page on our website where you can easily find all previous updates, as well as a list of frequently asked questions. The FAQ will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.

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