Afternoon Update – March 24

March 24, 2020

Afternoon Update – March 24

The three federal granting agencies (SSHRC, NSERC, and CIHR) have said that the reimbursement of non-refundable travel fees from agency funds is acceptable considering the impacts of COVID-19. This applies to the travel of both principal investigators and research personnel. CUASA sought clarification on costs related to hotel or other expenses while stranded or awaiting a flight home. It was confirmed that grants can be used to cover these related expenses as long as the original trip was the direct cost of the research/activities for which the funds were awarded.

Carleton ITS has shared some tips about staying cyber secure while working from home:

  • Be extra vigilant for phishing attempts, and malicious websites.
  • Ensure your computer, and mobile devices stay current with software updates.
  • Use an Antivirus product to protect your device. ITS provides licensing for an Antivirus solution for use on personal devices, including mobile devices.
  • Know where your files are stored. Files stored on a local home PC are not backed up.

ITS has also reported an increase in COVID-19-related spam, malware, phishing, and fake websites. Known links are blocked from being accessed on campus, but this doesn’t protect those working off-campus or using personal devices. Examples include:

  • Offers for vaccines, cures and tests, including any mobile apps that claim to offer in home testing
  • Offers related to insurance, insurance reminders, or claims
  • Websites or documents offering information on COVID19, including FAQs, maps or updates
  • Emails looking for donations.

Please be extra vigilant and use caution when clicking links and emails from senders you don’t recognize. Ensure the information you are reading online regarding COVID-19 comes from credible sources.

The Educational Development Centre (EDC) is hosting online workshops for Capture and BigBlueButton to help with the transition to an online environment. To get more information or to register for a session, click here.

We have gotten some questions from members asking if it is possible to go to campus and retrieve items from their offices. As of now, the University remains open and you can go to campus. Updates on what is open and closed at Carleton can be found here. We encourage members who may be going to campus to exercise caution and follow social distancing recommendations, including staying two metres away from other people.

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