Weekly Update – July 10

July 10, 2020

Weekly Update – July 10

Updates from JCAA

Shared Online Projects Initiative

As we previously announced, Carleton entered into an agreement for a “Shared Online Projects Initiative” (SOPI) without consulting with CUASA. Since learning of the SOPI from our colleagues at the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) and Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA), CUASA has sought further information on this initiative from the University. We inquired if Carleton is receiving any royalties or financial benefits from the work produced by those who participate in the SOPI, and we have been told that the University will not receive any royalties or compensation.

We also asked about the intellectual property and licensing implications of the SOPI, and have learned that those who choose to voluntarily participate in this initiative will produce materials under a Creative Commons license, which will allow the materials to be shared, adopted, adapted, and refused at one of the participating institutions. We have been told participants will be able to retain intellectual property rights in that their work will be attributed to them. That said, we want to ensure that our members are fully informed about what their participation in this initiative means: that any slides, notes, lecture content, creative formatting, creative assignments, reading lists, etc. that you create as part of the SOPI can be changed or adapted in future iterations of the project.

Letters of Understanding re. COVID-19

In case you missed it, last week we announced that CUASA and Carleton University had signed two letters of understanding related to COVID-19. The first was on tenure, promotion, and confirmation for faculty and instructors. The second was on a one-time increase to the professional expense reimbursement (PER) fund for expenses related to COVID-19. You can find more details on these LOUs here.

CUASA Business and Events

Nominations for Steering Positions

We are still accepting nominations for the following Steering positions:

  • External Relations Officer
  • Communications Officer
  • Chair, Equity
  • Chair, Nominations and Elections
  • Chair, Internal Affairs
  • Instructor Representative

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. The work of the Association continues, despite the current environment we find ourselves in. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds.

Carleton Community Announcements

Addressing Systemic Racism at Carleton

An open letter to President Bacon has been circulating calling on the University to take steps to address systemic racism at Carleton. The letter has been signed by faculty, librarians, instructors, students, staff, and alumni who stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC). You can read and sign the letter here.

Carleton University Mask Policy

Carleton has adopted a mask policy where the public, faculty, staff and students must wear a non-medical mask when working or travelling within a publicly accessible area of a building on campus. All faculty and staff are required to read and review the policy, which you can find here.

Academic Community at Large

FUNSCAD votes no confidence in Board of Governors

Members of the Faculty Union of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (FUNSCAD) have overwhelmingly voted no confidence in the College’s Board of Governors after the abrupt removal on June 26 of President Aoife Mac Namara. Read the full update here.

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