The CUASA Weekly: CAUT Censure Countdown Begins – New Pinked Articles – Wear Red on Tuesday

December 2, 2017

NEW this week

On November 26, CAUT Council passed a motion to begin the censure countdown of Carleton University. Carleton University was served notice on November 27. The motion reads:

That CAUT censure Carleton University by January 31, 2018 in the event that the amendments to the Board of Governor’s Code of Conduct as presented to the CAUT Council on November 25 are not implemented. And the Executive Director shall consult with the Carleton University Academic Staff Association before censure is imposed.

On September 14, Carleton University proposed some changes to its Board’s Code of Conduct. On September 27, CAUT notified Carleton that the proposed changes were minimal and that substantial improvements identified by CAUT were needed in order to avoid censure. On November 26, CAUT Council deliberated on immediately censuring CarletonU since notice was previously given in May 2017. CAUT Council considered an email CarletonU sent on November 21 stating that the Governance Committee for the Board of Governors was expected to approve substantial changes to its Code of Conduct by January. As a result of this email, CAUT Council chose to impose a “last chance” warning by way of the above-mentioned motion and implemented the final deadline of January 31, 2018.

The arbitration related to the Board of Governor’s repeated violations of Professor Gorelick’s rights continues. The next scheduled day of hearings is December 13.The Association wishes to advise its members that the issue of censure and the arbitration are two separate matters. CUASA remains the only authority to speak on behalf of its members. The preliminary decision on jurisdiction and intervenor status is now publicly available here.

CUASA at the table

Your negotiations team was in session on November 23 and 29. Appendix I and Article 18 were tabled. Read them here. Although the sessions were short, the parties were able to “pink” Articles 11 and 16. Of particular note was the removal of the student complaint procedures that unfairly held our members hostage to unfounded complaints, and a more sensible process for Librarians when addressing issues related to their job descriptions. Read the pinked Articles 11 and 16 here.

The team also wishes to inform the membership that members will be provided 14 calendar days for marking, instead of 10, to help ensure that members are not forced to work during the campus holiday closure. Clarifying discussions continue at the table, however, the Employer has honored its initial commitment to consider the union’s proposal and has taken the extension of time forward to Senate for approval.

Show Carleton University you support your negotiations team by wearing RED on bargaining days. Get creative and send us your pictures! Join the campaign by using  #Fairness4Faculty #Fairness4Librarians #StandWithFaculty in your social media.

Your negotiations team will be at the table on:


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