The CUASA Weekly: CUASA at the table

January 16, 2018

CUASA at the bargaining table

Your negotiation team met with the administration on January 12th. CUASA tabled a number of counter-proposals on workload, the grievance process, and governance issues in order to improve transparency, collegiality, and equity.

Notably, CUASA rejected the administration’s language on merit-based CDI evaluation. A CDI is an acknowledgment that academics experience a delay in the start of their careers. A CDI is supposed to be a ‘catch-up’ to gradually bring you up to a salary comparable to other professionals. Making the CDI a merit-based system undermines its original purpose.

On the Instructor front, CUASA also tabled language that would ensure Instructor teaching workloads are calculated fairly, and only using the values of 0.5 and 1.0 workload credits. The administration continues to resist a fair workload calculation for Instructors.

With respect to Librarians, Articles 10.12 and 13.3 dealing with promotions and workload were finalized and signed (‘pinked’) by both parties. Read them here. New language in 13.3 increases the number of research days afforded to CUASA Librarians from five to nine, acknowledging this important area of Librarians’ expertise.

No counter-proposals were presented by the administration, but the team expects a robust discussion on the tenure and promotion process to follow soon.

Your negotiating team will be at the table on:

  • Thursday, January 18th: 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Thursday, January 25th: 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Thursday,  February 1st: 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Saturday, February 3rd: 9 am to 5 pm

We need you support! Show Carleton University you support your negotiations team by wearing or displaying your NEW CUASA button and wearing RED on Thursday! Join the campaign by using  #Fairness4Faculty #Fairness4Librarians #StandWithFaculty in your social media.

Interested in seeing the bargaining process in action? The observer seat is a fantastic opportunity to learn about your contract and to support negotiations. All members are invited to email [email protected] for details.

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