CUASA Association Grievance on downloading 2424 work – CUPE 2424 files unfair labour practice complaint

March 15, 2018

CUASA to pursue Association Grievance against the Employer for downloading CUPE 2424 work

CUASA has been made aware of practices in various departments where CUASA members and others are being told to take on CUPE 2424 work.  This practice is disrespectful to the bargaining certificates of 2424 and CUASA members and will not be tolerated.

We have heard from members of different departments about these practices and CUASA encourages further documentation. Please send such examples directly to the CUASA Grievance Officer and Chair, [email protected] and [email protected] (Pum Van Veldhoven)

CUPE 2424 files unfair labour practice complaint

Yesterday, CUPE 2424 filed an unfair labour practice complaint against Carleton University with respect to its communications on the labour dispute. Please see below for CUPE 2424’s statement on the matter:

The Union is filing an unfair labour practice complaint under the Ontario Labour Relations Act against the Employer for bargaining in bad faith.  The Union is alleging that, “The Employer has interfered with the administration of the Union and its representation of employees, including exercising undue influence, intimidation, and coercion in connexion with knowingly false and/or misleading communications to the bargaining unit through an email to the bargaining unit members, postings on the Employer’s web site addressed to members of the Carleton Community and various media statements.  In so doing, the employer has exceeded the appropriate bounds of its right to freely express its views to the bargaining unit.”

We have also been made aware that Alastair Summerlee has been responding to members privately over email claiming that CUPE 2424 has been asked to return to the bargaining table, “orally and in writing”. We have received no such formal requests.

To set the record straight, CUPE 2424 notified the employer, formally, by email, that at any time the Employer is willing to have discussions, the Union is prepared to resume talks, but that we still cannot simply accept the university’s proposed concessions. The Union, over the many days of bargaining since July, made considerable movement in the Employer’s direction right up until the final hours before the strike, but, as we have always maintained, we must have certain bargaining rights and protections around our pensions.​

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