The Communiqué: Annual General Meeting

April 26, 2018

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CUASA Steering Committee

Root Gorelick, Biology

Vice President
Melissa Haussman, Political Science

Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology

Doron Nussbaum, Computer Science

Chair, Collective Bargaining
Chantal Dion, French

Chair, External

Chair, Grievance
Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology

Salary and Benefits Officer
Greg Franks, Sys. and Comp.

Chair, Internal Affairs

Communications Officer

Chair, Equity

Chair, Nominations and

Instructor Representative
Iain McKinnell, Biology

Librarian Representative
Kristof Avramsson

CUASA Office Staff

Grievance and Arbitration
Christal Côté

Office Manager
Deborah Jackson

Member Services and Communications Officer

Grievance & Arbitration Services Support Assistant
Josh Horton

Collective Bargaining Services Support Assistant
Chi Cheng Wat

The Annual General Meeting was held on 24 April 2018. Below is a
summary of major issues discussed at the Annual General Meeting.

Motion regarding strike vote

At the CUASA Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2018, the following motion was proposed from the floor and was overwhelmingly
approved by the many members in attendance:

WHEREAS the membership in attendance at the April 24th AGM
expressed equity, pension and salaries as priorities for bargaining;

AND WHEREAS the membership wishes to provide clarity to
Council for its next regularly scheduled council meeting;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council be encouraged to adopt the
expressed priorities of the membership and consider calling a
strike vote when they consider it appropriate.


Gender-Pay Inequality

There exists a significant gender inequality in pay for faculty and
instructors at Carleton. The linked study, shows not just that female
faculty and instructors are paid significantly less than their male
counterparts, but that this inequality exists even after accounting
for years since first degree. For faculty, this gender inequality is
broken down by faculty because initial salary offers are made by the
deans and aggregating across all faculties is a classical way to hide
gender inequality. The yellow highlighted numbers in Table 1 of the
linked document are what your negotiating team has asked for at the
bargaining table.



At the CUASA Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2018, there was a
request from the floor about forming a mobilisation committee. The
acting chair of the AGM ruled this out-of-order insofar as CUASA
Council had established a mobilisation subcommittee on 15 November
2017, including approval of a chair and 14 other members, plus
approval of an increased budget from $3,000 to $10,000. However,
the chair of the mobilisation subcommittee abruptly quit on
2 February 2018. The intent is for CUASA Council to reconstitute
this mobilisation subcommittee, along with appointing a new chair,
at the May 2018 Council meeting.



Root Gorelick was the only one nominated for president for a two-year
term beginning on 1 July 2018. Per Article IX of the CUASA constitution
he was thus acclaimed immediately prior to the AGM. Note, however,
that he has only agreed to serve for the first year of the two-year term.




Carleton University Academic Staff Association
2006 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6

Phone: 613-520-5607
Fax: 613-520-4426
Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2015 Carleton University Academic Staff Association. All rights reserved.
Produced by members of Unifor Local 567.

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