Questions about Tentative Agreement

August 5, 2021

Questions about Tentative Agreement

CUASA wishes to thank those members who attended our recent information sessions on the tentative collective agreement. We received a number of questions from our members on the terms of the new agreement.

There appeared to be two main streams of inquiry that we wanted to seek clarification on from the University administration: the first relates to the new language regarding Instructors who have doctorates or equivalent, and whether our current members at the rank of Instructor I will be promoted under this new provision; the second relates to the new sabbatical grant, and whether it will be made available on a pro-rated basis to members who started sabbatical before May 1, 2021, and if it will become available in full to those who started sabbatical on July 1, 2021.

We have written to the University to ask about the “nuts and bolts” of the implementation plan on these issues. We have asked for a quick response due to the pending ratification vote. Updates will be shared as soon as they become available.

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