Weekly Update – September 10, 2021

September 10, 2021

Weekly Update – September 10, 2021

Questions re. Vaccine Attestation and cuScreen

In case you missed it, earlier this week we shared some updates on questions we’d received related to vaccine attestation and the cuScreen system. You can read that update here.


Vaccination Policy Discipline Grievance Complaint

We also wrote this week to inform members that Carleton has told CUASA of its intent to implement a spectrum of discipline to accompany its new mandatory COVID vaccination policy. In that post, we said that the Association was left with no other choice but to serve notice of an Article 29 Association complaint due to the lack of clarity as to how the University completed their compliance investigations and why these timelines were expedited on such short notice.

In response to that announcement, we received some messages from members who expressed concern that CUASA was taking the steps of filing a grievance complaint.

We wish to clarify that part of the reason for CUASA’s decision to file the grievance complaint stems from the fact that we received a last-minute notice of Carleton’s possible intent to pursue discipline against some of our members. Further, not only was the notice provided at the last minute and outside of normal working hours, the University refused to provide CUASA with specifics on who the affected members may be.

CUASA has an obligation under the law to provide fair representation to all our members, whether we agree with their actions or not. So even if we have members who are refusing to comply with the vaccination policy, the Union still has a requirement to represent their interests in any disciplinary procedures.

To be clear, this grievance complaint is not an objection to the mandatory vaccination requirements – in fact, many of us support mandatory vaccinations for in-person activities – but rather to how the University appears to be handling its policy, and to ensure fair representation for all CUASA members.

We are aware that some members have already been contacted by their Deans with respect to the mandatory vaccination policy. Any members contacted with regards to this policy should immediately contact [email protected]. Members are reminded that they have the right to representation during these types of processes.


CUASA Business

Vacant Steering Positions

We are still seeking volunteers for the following Steering positions (click on the title below to see the position description):

* The Steering committee has allocated a 0.5 course release for the Vice President position.

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. If you are interested in one of these positions and would like some information, or wish to nominate yourself or a colleague, please CUASA’s Chair, Nominations and Elections, Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Call for Volunteers

We are seeking one CUASA volunteer for each of the following positions:

  • representative on the University’s Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC)
  • member on the Joint Subcommittee on Teaching Evaluations (JSTE)
  • Trustee for the CAUT Defence Fund

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Marylynn Steckley at [email protected].


CUASA In the News

  • Apps monitor COVID-19 as university students return to campus. CBC News, September 7, 2021. Click here to read.


Academic Community Updates

OCUFA pleased that Federal NDP’s Northern Platform commits to reforming CCAA

OCUFA welcomes the Federal New Democratic Party’s commitment to reform the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) so that public postsecondary education institutions are not subject to restructuring under federal legislation. The commitment, on page 13 of the Federal NDP’s A Better Future for Northern Ontario, states that, if elected, the NDP would, “Reform the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) to make sure it can’t be used this way ever again. Read the full statement here.


Labour Community Updates

OFL position on a comprehensive immunization strategy provincially and across the country

The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) supports a comprehensive immunization strategy in Ontario, and across Canada, aimed to reduce and ideally eliminate the spread of COVID-19.

Public health and government must provide a science-based policy framework on vaccinations and testing, that consider key questions below. And employers must develop specific workplace policies jointly and in consultation with joint committees and unions. Read the full statement here.

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