Weekly Update – October 29, 2021

October 29, 2021

Weekly Update – October 29, 2021


Grievance Advisory: Vaccine Mandatory Attestation Policy

The Association has noted that the University has changed its COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policyfollowing the Association’s correspondence to its members that highlighted various inconsistencies and difficulties for members to understand how to comply.  The Association’s questions regarding overall procedures, in particular privacy, are still unanswered and there remains unidentified persons of the administration have been reviewing CUASA bargaining unit members’ health-related documentation.

The latest iteration of the policy now indicates that all employees are required to provide their attestation no later than October 29, even if they do not intend to be on campus now or in the future, in any capacity! It is the Association’s understanding that there was no notice provided to its members about this written policy change and that the emails originally sent to them have not been updated.

CUASA members are reminded that they have the right to decide which version of their vaccination certificates they may use. Since the Association has yet to receive any clarity from the University on how it intends to allow for the enhanced vaccination certificates in cuScreen and since it continues to plan to retain these documents for a period that exceeds the provincial app capabilities, as well as contrary to the recommendations made by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, members are strongly encouraged to only upload their enhanced privacy vaccination certificates provided to them by the Ministry of Health.

All CUASA bargaining unit members are reminded that they are in a “work now, grieve later” situation, and for those who have already uploaded attestation prior to the enhanced copy being provided, they continue to retain their right to choose and rights under privacy laws. The Association has already filed an association complaint as it relates to the threats of disciplinary actions and the issues arising the lack of clarity and the mixed messaging being sent to members. Those affected members who are now being ordered to attend in-person service are reminded that service work is still online. The Association inquired about this at the JCAA as well and were advised that this has not changed. Therefore, any member who believes that their online service is being changed intentionally to in-person service, regardless of their vaccination status, and are therefore experiencing a particular type of discipline should report this to the Association immediately. It is imperative that members continue to follow all the recommendations for safe work, at all times, and that is to attend campus only for essential activities for work that has been scheduled and planned for safely.

The Association stresses the importance of keeping our community safe by using vaccinations to help combat the effects of COVID-19. CUASA’s ultimate concerns about this policy are how the University continues to insist on setting aside various rights and laws that workers have, simply for it to be able to achieve a goal of minimum COVID-19 safety standards. The University has also not answered critical questions about how they intend to keep vaccinated members safe through all of its reopening processes.


Risk Assessment Checklist for International Travel for Research and Professional Development

This is to inform CUASA bargaining unit members that the Association was not consulted on the current travel ban policy and the new form entitled Risk Assessment Checklist for International Travel for Research and Professional Development.

The University provided no notice to the Association and there were no consultations. The collective agreement requires members to submit their sabbatical plans. The new provisions for the sabbatical travel grant are governed by the collective agreement.

The Association notes that there are no government orders currently in place to confine CUASA bargaining unit members to the Ottawa region and that this new form is also being requested for domestic travel, in addition to international travel. This policy and new form were not properly placed before the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) for review by all campus unions and in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A review of these documents show that the nature and purpose of the travel should be strictly for those purposes and that the risk assessment made must be one that mirrors health and safety risk assessments rather than a corporate one.

All members are strongly encouraged to follow the advice of public health authorities and government issued travel advisories and rules. The Association cannot stress enough that none of these appropriate authorities have delegated any of their powers to Carleton University administrators. Furthermore, CUASA members are not required to report or disclose their off-duty travel to their employer.

If any CUASA bargaining unit member is being denied their right to travel domestically or internationally as a result of this new rule and from following sabbatical plans already approved by their Deans, they are asked to immediately contact [email protected] and seek customized advice.


Orders to Return or Relocation to Ottawa Region

This is to advise all members that the Association has received, and continues to receive, reports that the University has issued orders for CUASA bargaining unit members to return to and reside exclusively in the Ottawa area by a variety of set dates or face termination of employment. The University cites “legalities and liabilities” for CUASA bargaining unit members working or residing outside of province or internationally. The University did not copy the Association on any of these notices sent directly to CUASA bargaining unit members.

The Association has already demanded to know what these “legalities and liabilities” are, as well as the list of laws across Canada and the world that Carleton University has asserted have changed. The Association has already undertaken a robust legal review of all relevant laws to determine if there were any changes made that could make the University’s position plausible. The Association notes that these orders are being issued in a way that harmonizes with the administration’s latest attempts to change online service to in-person service on short notice during the fall term.

The Association finds that the University’s latest attempt to exercise this unprecedented power to order employees to live exclusively within a geographic region is extremely concerning. There have been no changes to laws to grant such a power. This constitutes a substantial change to the terms and conditions of employment as well and the University gave no notice of its intent to attempt this during collective bargaining. The Association will be addressing this egregious contravention of rights through the formal grievance process and to the fullest extent of the law. All affected members being threatened or receiving passive messaging suggesting that they will need to start considering relocation processes are asked to report their situation immediately to [email protected].

All members are strongly encouraged to follow the advice of public health authorities and government issued travel advisories and rules as it relates to these relocation orders to reside in the Ottawa area.


Provocative Practice

The CUASA Anti-Racism Working Group (ARWG) has released a new intersectional, multi-disciplinary project dedicated to anti-oppression work in the union community. The project is called Provocative Practice.

Each issue of Provocative Practice is guided by a keyword that reaches across disciplines to find the intersections between pedagogies, practices, and interventions committed to anti-oppression.

The first issue is entitled “Movement: An Interview with Dr. Kelly Fritsch” and can be found here: https://www.cuasa.ca/pp


CUASA Business

Vacant Steering Positions

We are still seeking volunteers for the following Steering positions (click on the title below to see the position description):

* The Steering committee has allocated a 0.5 course release for the Vice President position.

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page.

Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. If you are interested in one of these positions and would like some information, or wish to nominate yourself or a colleague, please contact Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Call for Volunteer: JCEEDI

CUASA is looking for a member to volunteer for the Joint Committee for Employment Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JCEEDI). This Committee provides advice to the JCAA on the advancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion in recruitment, hiring, career advancement, training, and related projects. If you are interested in this position, please contact Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Academic Community Updates

Take action to avoid a strike at Ontario Tech

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) is currently working hard to negotiate a fair collective agreement to make Ontario Tech a more respectful, equitable, and transparent place to work that supports the teaching and research vital to the university and students.

Unfortunately, the university administration has refused to meaningfully address these issues at the bargaining table and faculty have been left with no choice but to vote in favour of going on strike to show their determination to improve working and learning conditions.

To avoid a strike, we must put pressure on the Ontario Tech administration and remind them that faculty members and the students should be their first priority.

Click here to send an email to the Ontario Tech administration that asks them to negotiate a fair deal that prioritizes high-quality education and helps avoid a strike at Ontario Tech.


October NewsWire: UOITFA and UMFA strike mandates, threats to collegial governance and solidarity with Jordanian academics

Every month CAUT sends a newsletter with the latest CAUT and post-secondary education sector news. In the October issue:

  • UOITFA votes for strike action amid concerns around faculty burnout
  • Strike action overwhelmingly supported by University of Manitoba Faculty Association
  • CAUT report calls for governance reform at Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
  • CAUT stands in solidarity with the Jordanian Teachers’ Association
  • Changes to statutes at Laval University would undermine collegial governance
  • Fair Employment Week 2021
  • @censureutoronto hosts webinar to celebrate victory
  • Upcoming events

Click here to read the NewsWire and to subscribe.


CAUT protesting arrest of Jordanian Teacher’s Association members

Last week CAUT sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister of Jordan and the Minister of Education imploring the government to cease the harassment and arrest of members of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) and to lift the suspension of JTA union activities.

To keep reading, click here.

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