Solidarity with UOITFA and UMFA

November 4, 2021

Solidarity with UOITFA and UMFA

CUASA stands in solidarity with our colleagues at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) who are nearing a strike position, and at the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA), who are presently on strike. Please see below for more information on how you can show your support.



Members of the UOITFA have voted 90% in favour of striking if the Ontario Tech administration refuses to agree to a fair deal. The vote comes after six months of bargaining, during which the UOITFA has been urging the Ontario Tech administration to take action on issues related to faculty burnout including workload, mental health, pay equity, and pension issues. UOITFA members care deeply about student learning conditions and faculty working conditions which is why they voted so strongly in favour of striking if the university fails to address these serious issues.

Please show your support for the UOITFA by sending a letter to the Ontario Tech administration today here:

We would appreciate your assistance in circulating the link to the letter as broadly as possible via email and social media to your friends, family and colleagues.

Together, we can support UOITFA to avoid a strike and improve faculty working conditions and student learning conditions at Ontario Tech.



Members of UMFA are on strike after negotiations reached an impasse when mediation failed to produce an agreement. UMFA tabled a final offer that prioritized recruitment and retention and would have avoided a strike, which was rejected by the university of administration.

A record-setting 85 percent of UMFA’s members voted in favour of strike action. Wages of UMFA members rank second-last of Canada’s largest 15 research universities.

Call or email University of Manitoba President Michael Benarroch and tell him to stand up for faculty and students by giving UMFA a fair deal: 204-474-9345 or [email protected].

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