Weekly Update – February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

Weekly Update – February 4, 2022


Return to Campus

This week, the University released some important information regarding the return to campus next week. At CUASA’s Winter General Membership Meeting this past Tuesday, members in attendance expressed a desire to have this information made available. We encourage anyone who will be returning to campus next week to review it carefully.

That said, the Association still has some concerns about the return to campus and the remainder of the Winter term in general.

For example, we have had numerous messages from members expressing concern about the administration of the Student Experience Questionnaires (SEQs) this term given how volatile the situation has been recently. The University has indicated it wishes to resume administering the SEQs fully and resume counting them toward career decisions, such as tenure/promotion and career development increments (CDIs). CUASA has made multiple requests to extend our previous pandemic-related agreement on the SEQs to apply to this term, but to no avail thus far. However, we have also been informed by members that they have been told by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP) that they will have the option to opt-out of administering the SEQs this term or having them counted. We have asked the administration for clarification on this and will share updates as they become available.

Another point of concern is on the provision of masks. The University has said it will be providing KN95 masks to the community, but that there will be a limit of five masks per individual. However, CUASA has received conflicting reports from some members that they will only be provided with two KN95 masks. Further, we have expressed concern with the repeated messaging that these masks can be reused with proper care, despite questions from members about what to do if their masks become soiled.

We previously had members expressing a desire to purchase their own personal protective equipment, including masks, and having those purchases reimbursed using the Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) fund. While such purchases were previously denied, we have been told by the administration that members will now be allowed to have reasonable expenses related to PPE purchases reimbursed through PER funds. Anyone that recently submitted an expense for reimbursement that was declined is eligible to resubmit receipts at their convenience.

CUASA encourages all members to follow all protocols when returning to campus. This is the best way to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe.


Personal Time Through the Work Week

CUASA wishes to inform our members that we have an agreement in principle following discussions at the Joint Committee for Employment Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JCEEDI) to provide members with two hours of personal time through the work week. This request came from the CUASA members on the JCEEDI following learning of similar provisions at other institutions in the province. We know this pandemic has been hard on everyone and sometimes it is just not possible to tend to everything that we need to, so we have asked that our members be given a couple of hours through the week to do whatever it is they need to – whether it’s for appointments, errands, self-care, etc. More details to follow once the agreement is finalized.


Nominations for Steering Positions

We are accepting nominations for the following Steering Committee positions for terms beginning on July 1, 2022 (click on the position title to view the description):

Nominations for President are due to the virtual CUASA Office by Thursday, March 31, 2022. Nominations for all other positions are due by Friday, April 29, 2022. All nominations must be made using the form found here (PDF) or here (Word).

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds (please ask if interested).

If you have any questions about the positions or the process, please contact CUASA’s Chair, Nominations and Elections, Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Member Drop-in Sessions

CUASA is excited to invite our members to two drop ins continuing our outreach and educational initiatives. Both drop ins will happen the week after reading week, dates to be confirmed. Registration info to follow.

Drop in one: Calling all allies! This drop in is for those who have lived experience as white settlers and want to talk through and learn more about how to be a good ally to our colleagues with lived experiences of discrimination based on race, culture, ancestry, Indigeneity or ethnicity.

Drop in two: Calling all folks with lived experiences of discrimination based on race, culture, ancestry, Indigeneity or ethnicity. This one hour drop in will create a welcoming space for you to discuss your experiences of discrimination and also your relationship to CUASA as well as what you wish CUASA could do or do better for you.

Both groups will be closed meaning that the group discussion and attendance will remain private and only high-level, actionable items will be brought to the CUASA leadership.

CUASA is thrilled to be developing this progressive equity-based initiative of consultation and education. We also have exciting developments to come including workshops on ableism, LBGTQ+ issues and caregivers in and after the pandemic.

CUASA is LISTENING. If you have any thoughts on these initiatives, ideas for different kinds of trainings or initiatives please don’t hesitate to reach out to your equity officer or any member of CUASA staff or Steering. We are your association!


Lived Experience Luncheon Series

The Mental Health and Well-Being Research and Training Hub (MeWeRTH) at will be launching a new Lived Experience Luncheon series where we invite members in our community to give a presentation on their lived experience, highlighting any challenges they encountered and their resiliency in facing these challenges.

Our inaugural speaker will be Adrian Harewood on Wed. Feb. 9th from noon to 1:00pm. Registration and more information is available here.

The presentations are virtual and open to the public.


Academic Community Updates

Call on Acadia’s Administration to Negotiate a Fair Deal

Following months of bargaining, the Acadia University Faculty Association (AUFA) is on strike after the administration refused to move on several key proposals. AUFA is fighting for greater stability for precariously employed academic staff, increased hiring of Indigenous academics, equity and diversity initiatives, and improved wages and working conditions to help recruit and retain staff.

Academic staff across the country can show their solidarity with AUFA. Use this tool to support AUFA by calling on Acadia University’s President, Provost, and Chair of the Board of Governors to return to the bargaining table and negotiate a fair deal.

Please visit the AUFA website for more information.


Students and workers demand safer return to campus

The Ontario University and Colleges Coalition echoes the concerns of students and workers across the province about unsafe and rushed plans to return to campus. With notice of returning back to in-person learning for some institutions as soon as January 31, students are nervous about inadequate safety plans, the accessibility of continuing with online learning and academic penalties for those who do not feel safe being back on campus. Without access to critical PPE such as N95 masks, uncertainties about ventilation, lack of routine reporting of COVID-19 case counts, and no physical distancing practices, students and workers know that such an abrupt plan to return to campus is not conducive to learning, and it seriously jeopardizes the safety of all campus community members.

To keep reading, click here.


Labour Community Updates

Statement from the Ottawa and District Labour Council Regarding Occupation in Downtown Ottawa

The Ottawa and District Labour Council is calling on elected officials including Ottawa City Council to ensure the health and safety of workers and of residents impacted and affected due to the ongoing occupation of several downtown streets including Wellington Street. In addition, several workplaces in the immediate area of the occupation have closed or shut down leaving employees without work and/or compensation.

To read the full statement, click here.

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