Weekly Update – March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022

Weekly Update – March 25, 2022


Appeal for Donations to Help Fleeing Ukrainian Academics

The University is working with Carleton’s Scholars At Risk (SAR) initiative to host academics fleeing Ukraine.

If you know at-risk scholars from anywhere but especially from the Ukraine, they can register with Scholars at Risk and the Scholar Rescue Fund, and contact Carleton at [email protected]. You can also donate here to help maximize the number of scholars the University can host. CUASA normally helps to finance SAR scholars yearly by means of one or more research grants that are each matched by the university administration.


Carleton Vaccine Mandate and Mask Policy

Carleton has announced it is maintaining its vaccine mandate and mask policy until at least the end of the winter 2022 term. Masks continue to be required and worn on campus including in classrooms and labs as per the University’s Mask Policy. This is in line with the Ontario university sector, which is reviewing plans for future terms. More information will be provided as it becomes available.


Student Experience Questionnaires for Winter 2022

As first announced last month, CUASA received confirmation that Carleton will allow Student Experience Questionnaires (SEQs) for the Winter term to not be used for career decisions.

The parties have declared a formal agreement and are currently collecting signatures for the Letter of Understanding.

Since the administration of the questionnaires will begin next week, CUASA wishes to inform its members that the agreement for this term states that SEQs will still be administered for all eligible courses, but the results will be marked as “non-designated” by the University and will not be used for career decisions, unless members themselves choose to use them when applying for tenure/confirmation and/or promotion.


Constitution and Bylaw Review 2022

As previously announced, a number of recommended amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws were placed before CUASA Council for consideration at its meeting on March 24.

All presented amendments were debated and duly passed by CUASA Council. Accordingly, the Bylaw amendments have now been approved. As required under Article XIV of the CUASA Constitution, the proposed amendments to the constitution shall now be put to a membership referendum. Please watch for the first official notice for the referendum, which will be released next week. Event details about information sessions will also be released shortly.

Remember: Only CUASA members, meaning those who have signed their union cards, may participate in the internal administration of the union. Please make sure that you have completed your union card. If unsure of your membership status, please email us at [email protected] so that we can verify it.


Nominations for Steering Positions

We are accepting nominations for the following Steering Committee positions for terms beginning on July 1, 2022 (click on the position title to view the description):

Nominations for President are due to the virtual CUASA Office by Thursday, March 31, 2022. Nominations for all other positions are due by Friday, April 29, 2022. All nominations must be made using the form found here (PDF) or here (Word).

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds (please ask if interested).

If you have any questions about the positions or the process, please contact CUASA’s Chair, Nominations and Elections, Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Carleton’s 2022 Achievement Award Recipients

CUASA extends a sincere congratulations to the recipients of the annual Achievement Awards, which are presented in recognition of the research and teaching distinction of Carleton’s academic staff.

To view the list of this year’s award recipients, click here.


Academic Community Updates

A 1-minute action to make PSE issues ballot box issues

This provincial election we’ll have an opportunity to make post-secondary issues, ballot box issues.

Please take a minute to use OCUFA’s email action to send a message to your local Ontario election candidates to tell them it’s time to revitalize public post-secondary education in Ontario. Ask them to show their support for fairness for contract faculty, increased student aid, and robust public funding for Ontario’s universities.

Click here, fill in your name, institution, email address, and postal code and click “Add Your Voice”. Let your colleagues, friends, and family know how to participate as well by posting on social media or sending an email.

This election presents a valuable opportunity to put post-secondary education on the agenda and build a better future for Ontario. Each political party is making promises that will impact faculty and the whole university community.

Together, let’s make sure the next provincial government prioritizes post-secondary education.


With tuition fees frozen, Ontario Budget should increase university funding and student financial assistance

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to see the Ontario Government extend the tuition fee freeze for domestic students into 2023. However, urgent funding is needed to support post-secondary education quality and accessibility at Ontario’s public universities.

“If the Ford government is serious about tackling student debt and high tuition fees, the upcoming Ontario budget should provide crucial funding to reduce universities’ dependence on student fees, reverse cuts to student financial assistance, and replace student loans with non-repayable grants,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “It is quite troubling that Ontario continues to rank last in Canada in per-student funding and that its students are graduating with historically high levels of student debt.”

To read OCUFA’s full statement, click here.


New poll: Increased university funding, good jobs, more student aid should be priorities of next Ontario government

According to a new poll conducted for OCUFA by Ekos Research Associates, two out of three Ontarians (69 per cent) believe that the province’s next government should prioritize post-secondary education as it works to rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic. Those polled recognize the value of a university education and believe it is time to introduce legislation that improves working conditions for contract faculty, provides additional financial assistance to students, and increases funding for universities.

To read more, click here.


New private member’s bill offers essential support for post-secondary education

CAUT is welcoming a private members’ bill introduced in Parliament today that would see the federal government provide the support needed for high-quality accessible public post-secondary education and research.

“The funding shortfall for post-secondary education is devastating to students and communities,” said CAUT President Brenda Austin-Smith. “The federal government simply can’t abandon students and their families any longer.”

To read CAUT’s full statement, click here.


March NewsWire: ULFA ratifies new collective agreement – APPBUSA on strike – CAUT Forum for Chief Negotiators – Urgent Appeal: Solidarity with Ukraine

Every month CAUT sends a newsletter with the latest CAUT and post-secondary education sector news. In the March issue:

  • ULFA ratifies new agreement, ending historic strike
  • Academic staff at Université Sainte-Anne on strike
  • Chief negotiators share best practices
  • Urgent Appeal: Solidarity with Ukraine
  • Upcoming Events

Click here to read the NewsWire and to subscribe.


Labour Community Updates

Solidarity BBQ for Striking PSAC 70153 Members

There will be a Solidarity BBQ hosted by the Ottawa and District Labour Council for striking PSAC 70153 members on Tuesday, March 29, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm at 240 Sparks Street (between Bank and Kent) in front of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.


Spring into ACTion: Health & Safety Forum

There is still time to register for the upcoming Spring into ACTion – Health & Safety Virtual Forum being held on Friday, April 8, commencing at 8:30am. This year’s event is free.

More information can be found here. Registration is required for this Forum; to do so, click here.

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