CUASA Update – May 27, 2022

May 27, 2022

CUASA Update – May 27, 2022

CUASA Office Summer Hours

This is a reminder that as of today, May 27, the CUASA Office is starting its summer schedule. This means that until Labour Day, the office will close at 12:00pm on Fridays for the summer.


Summer Updates

Please note that, for the next few months at least, we will be moving to biweekly CUASA Updates. As always, should anything critical arise that needs to be shared with our members, that information will be communicated immediately.


Update on Gender Pay Study

CUASA has received word from the University that it will be releasing information on the gender pay study to the Association at the Tuesday, May 31, meeting of the Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement (JCAA). Please watch for updates, which will be released once we have had a chance to review the information provided at JCAA.


LAST CHANCE: Member Engagement Survey

Our officers and staff want to ensure that CUASA members are provided access to services that help support them better. We appreciate your help in identifying how the Association can best meet your needs at Carleton by participating in occasional surveys.

We have developed this short on-line survey to learn more about the needs and preferences of our members across the university, based on recent questions and feedback from our membership. It should take you 5-8 minutes to complete.

This survey is anonymous unless you provide contact information for a follow-up conversation with a member of CUASA’s Internal Affairs Committee. Only the Internal Affairs committee will see individual responses. A composite summary of responses will be provided to CUASA’s Steering Committee and Council with all identifying information removed.

The survey will remain open until May 31, 2022.


Call for Volunteer: External Relations Officer

We are still seeking a member to volunteer for the position of External Relations Officer. If you are interested, or would like to nominate a colleague, please contact Marylynn Steckley at [email protected]. More information can be found in the position description.


Carleton Safe Walk and Foot Patrol Walk Escorts 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind our membership about the Safe Walk Program through Campus Safety Services (CSS) as well as the Foot Patrol Walk Escorts through the Unified Support Centre (USC). If for any reason you feel unsafe walking through campus, please do not hesitate to reach out to either organization for a free escort to your planned destination.

USC also offers a Walk and Talk program. If you prefer not to have someone physically walk with you, or if you’re off-campus, you can use this service to call a USC volunteer who will stay on the phone and chat with you until you reach your destination. For hours and more details, please refer to the sites linked above.


Academic Community Updates

Let’s keep the pressure on our local candidates

We still have time to shape party priorities in this election and influence the mandate of Ontario’s next government.

Send an email to your local candidates to tell them it’s time to prioritize public postsecondary education, invest in Ontario’s universities, support fairness for contract faculty, and increased student aid.

Take action today.


Laurentian U: leadership must be held accountable for financial mismanagement

The Canadian Association of University Teachers—the voice of academic and professional staff at 125 universities and colleges across Canada—is warning that Laurentian University’s ability to resolve its financial woes is in jeopardy if the Board of Governors does not dismiss senior administrators responsible for the debacle that led to massive lay-offs at the University, and enormous damage to staff, students and the community of Sudbury.

Read CAUT’s full statement.

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