CUASA Update – June 24, 2022

June 24, 2022

CUASA Update – June 24, 2022


CUASA Office Closure

Please note the virtual CUASA Office will be closed next Thursday, June 30 (Member Appreciation Day) and Friday, July 1. The office will reopen on Monday, July 4, at 9:00am.


Deborah Jackson’s Retirement

CUASA’s long-time Office Manager, Deborah Jackson, is retiring on June 30. Deborah first joined CUASA is 1999 and has dedicated the last 23 years in service to the Association and its members. On behalf of everyone at CUASA, we wish Deborah a happy retirement and best wishes for the future. If you wish to send Deborah a message directly, you can contact her at [email protected] until June 30.


Concerns re. Carleton Pausing Mask Requirements

CUASA has received numerous messages of concern from members following the University’s announcementit will suspend its mask mandate next week, particularly in light of news reports warning of a possible seventh wave this fall.

We share these concerns and will continue to engage in discussions with the University on this topic. We have asked our appointees on the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) to monitor discussions at that committee as well.

The University promised in its announcement that it will continue to monitor the situation carefully and that it may need to quickly reinstate the mask requirement and the vaccination policy if pandemic circumstances change.

In the meantime, we strongly recommend that our members continue masking when indoors, particularly if physical distancing cannot be maintained. We also encourage you, as our members, to please take care of yourselves and respect individuals’ personal choices on masking.


Update on Gender Pay Study

As previously announced, the University provided information on the gender pay study to the Association at the Tuesday, May 31, meeting of the Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement (JCAA).

At that time, the University stated that there is no gender pay gap. The University has provided a documentprepared by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning that CUASA can share with its members.

CUASA requested and received the complete data for the study to ascertain the validity of the University’s findings. Updates will be shared with the membership as they become available.


Updating Gender with Carleton Human Resources

CUASA had received some inquiries from members asking how they can change their gender identity with the University. We have confirmed that the process is for employees to send a message to [email protected] from your Carleton email requesting to make the change. If you do not get a response from the general HR email, you can email Mandy Hair in HR at [email protected] with your request.


ARTE Reminder

In a joint collaboration between CUASA and the university, the Joint Subcommittee on Teaching Evaluations (JSTE) has released the Annual Report on Teaching Effectiveness (ARTE). The ARTE is an optional tool designed to allow faculty members and instructors an opportunity to reflect on and present their teaching approaches in any given year. You have the choice to not submit the ARTE at all. If you do submit it, you may either use it for career-related decisions (such as tenure, confirmation, and promotion), or you may submit it and indicate that it not be used for career-related decisions.

You should have received the ARTE in your inbox. If you have not received it then please contact CUASA’s Research Officer (Equity), Max López, at [email protected]. This is a reminder that should you choose to complete the ARTE and submit it to your chair or director, the deadline is June 30.


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