CUASA Update – August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

CUASA Update – August 5, 2022


Greetings CUASA members,

CUASA wishes you all well and we hope you’re all getting to enjoy some down time this summer.


EDI Research Fund

As previously mentioned, the University has solicited feedback from CUASA on an upcoming Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Research Fund, which we shared with the membership to gain additional insights on how we can improve it. We would like to hear from eligible members who might be interested in applying for such a fund once released.

The document, as proposed by the University, can be found at this link: Carleton University Proposal – Creation of a Special Research Fund. CUASA is in the process of creating a response and will share that document with the membership for feedback once it is ready for distribution. We welcome your input and have provided a webform for feedback which can be found here: Feedback Form: EDI Research Fund.


Humanitarian appeal to CUASA community: One-year accommodation for Ukrainian Scholar at Risk

Russia’s war on Ukraine is impacting the lives of millions of people all over the world. Carleton’s academic community reacted immediately with several important initiatives and many individual and collective efforts.

Carleton’s chapter of Scholars at Risk  has sponsored and is preparing to welcome a Ukrainian scholar and his wife (a prominent journalist) fleeing the warzone in Donbas, Eastern Ukraine. They are scheduled to arrive in Ottawa in the next few weeks. We are appealing to the CUASA community to assist us in finding a year-long accommodation for them. This Ukrainian family of two are in their late fifties-early sixties, they are non-smokers, they have no pets, they have conversational English, and they will be able to cover utility bills and/or compensate some modest sum for provided accommodation.

Additionally, we have extended an invitation to a scholar at risk fleeing from Russia for her outspokenness against the war. If we are successful in securing her the needed paperwork, she will be arriving (alone) in Ottawa sometime in mid-fall.

Carleton is also currently hosting scholars at risk from Afghanistan and Syria, and has recently hosted scholars from a number of other countries. We are also currently getting many further requests for support from Afghanistan, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Faculty can support our efforts by donating to the Scholars At Risk FutureFunder page.

If you are willing to help, please contact Dana Dragunoiu at [email protected].


Academic Community Updates

Faculty welcome the departure of Laurentian University administrators but call for faculty and governance renewal

“The Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA), Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) applauded the departure of two of Laurentian University’s most senior administrators but warned that the university’s ‘plan of arrangement’ must be accompanied by faculty and governance renewal.”

Read the full press release from OCUFA.

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