CUASA Stands Against Stabbing at Waterloo

June 30, 2023

CUASA Stands Against Stabbing at Waterloo

CUASA would like to express our sincere dismay and grief over the hateful stabbing that took place at University of Waterloo this week in a “Philosophy 202: Gender Issues” classroom. Police stated Wednesday that “The accused targeted a gender studies class and investigators believe this was a hate-motivated incident related to gender expression and gender identity.”

As the “Open Statement of Solidarity with Professor and Students Targeted in Violent Attack at the University of Waterloo, Women’s and Gender Studies Recherches Féministes (WGSRF)” states, “Misogyny, transphobia, and white supremacy are on the rise in the Canadian context. Resistance to the human rights of those who are gender diverse – the overarching topic of Philosophy 202– has become particularly violent.” We implore everyone to read the statement in full and offer your support by signing at the bottom. 

Transphobia and misogyny, along with all forms of hate and oppression, are unacceptable. This incident is part of something much larger and it isn’t new. People who do teaching and researching on issues of transphobia, misogyny, racism, and other forms of oppression know that being silent on matters of injustice embolden and sanction violence. It’s imperative to learn more and speak out. Institutions such as CUASA, Carleton and each academic unit should be asking themselves what steps we can take together to make this campus and community a safer space for everyone, particularly for the trans, nonbinary, Two-Spirit, and gender-diverse community. CUASA intends to reach out to units impacted to consult on the best next steps, so please feel welcome to contact us if you have suggestions. 

Anyone in need of support can reach out to the following resources: 

  • Support is available 24/7 through the Employee & Family Assistance Program. Those in need can call (613) 725-5676 or, after hours, call 1-844-720-1212 
  • Trans Lifeline is a 24 hour peer support phone service run by trans and nonbinary people for trans, nonbinary, and questioning people: or (877)330-6366 
  • Kind Space is a community center in Ottawa that offers resources, events, social, and educational programming that celebrates and supports oppressed sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions:
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