Tenure, Confirmation, and Promotion

May 19, 2023

Our Know Your Rights segments highlight different aspects that impact your employment at Carleton University, including highlights from the Collective Agreement in small, easy to understand bits.

Are you preparing to apply for tenure, confirmation, or promotion this coming academic year? If so, you should know about the process and what’s involved. Hopefully you’ve attended one of our annual workshops in the past, or plan to this year. These workshops cover the process for applying for tenure/confirmation and/or promotion, the preparation of dossiers, and the appeals process in the event of a denial. The dates and times for the remaining workshops this year are below. If you’re unable to attend, contact [email protected] for a copy of the materials.

Members should also check out our Dates and Deadlines webpage and make note of when your applications are due. Faculty members, in particular, should note the July 1 deadline to provide your Dean with a list of names of external referees for promotion applications.

As always, if members have any questions about preparing your tenure, confirmation, and promotion applications, or if you have any concerns as your application moves through the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to get in touch with a member of our staff team.

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