CUASA Winter 2024 General Membership Meeting, February 1

January 19, 2024

CUASA’s Winter 2024 General Membership Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 1, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.

The GMM will take place over Zoom. Advance registration is required. Members can find the registration link in their emails (contact [email protected] if you can’t find it).

The full agenda and other materials will be released closer to the date. Members can expect the GMM to include updates on the preparations for collective bargaining, what’s happening with Bill 124, and discussions on the upcoming Instructor conversion to Teaching Faculty. We hope you can attend to hear and discuss these and other important updates from your CUASA representatives.

Note: Only Association members, meaning those who have returned a completed membership form, may participate in the internal administration of CUASA. Staff will be checking GMM registrations against the membership list and will contact any registrants who have not completed a membership form to ask them to do so before their registration will be approved. If you have any questions or wish to verify your membership status, please contact [email protected].

CUASA has started a practice of asking for volunteers to give land acknowledgements for Association meetings. Accordingly, we are seeking a volunteer from the membership to give a land acknowledgement at the start of the GMM. If interested, please email [email protected].

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