Updates on CUASA Staff
April 5, 2024
As part of the recent round of collective bargaining between CUASA and Unifor Local 567 (representing members of CUASA Staff), the parties agreed on changes to the CUASA Staff model. As part of this, Grievance and Arbitration Support Services Assistants Alex Aucoin and Hanan Mankal have been promoted to new roles as Grievance and Arbitration Officers. Alex and Hanan joined CUASA in February 2019 on student placements as part of their licenced paralegal program at the Algonquin Careers Academy, and recently celebrated five years as part of the CUASA Staff team. Their tireless work to support our members through the grievance process is invaluable. Recently, Alex has been working toward a Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations from Athabasca University. Hanan is currently taking the Certificate in Health Law from Osgoode PD at York University.
We are also excited to announce that Research Officer (Equity) Max López’s title has changed to Equity and Member Services Officer. This update more accurately reflects Max’s duties and responsibilities in service to the membership. Max joined CUASA in March 2022 on a limited-term appointment that was later converted to a continuing position. They recently marked their second anniversary with CUASA.