Academic Defence Fund Policy

Adopted August 5, 1976

  1. The Academic Defence Fund shall be reserved exclusively for uses which defend the interests of the academic staff of Carleton University. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, its principal use shall be to support the costs of grievance and arbitration actions of the Carleton University Academic Staff Association.
  2. The Trustees of the Fund shall be the current President, President-Elect and Treasurer of the Carleton University Academic Staff Association.
  3. The Trustees may withdraw or transfer monies from the Fund and from any account which they may open with monies assigned by the Association to the Fund. The Trustees may also use monies from the Fund to purchase notes or securities in the name of and on behalf of the Fund, provided that any such note or security shall be fully insured for its full face-value.
  4. Monies from the Fund or monies from any account in the name of the Fund may be withdrawn by any two of the three Trustees of the Fund, provided however that no monies may be withdrawn or transferred from the Fund or from any account containing monies from the Fund without a majority vote in favour at a duly constituted meeting of the Steering Committee of the Association.
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