Afternoon Update – March 18

March 18, 2020

Afternoon Update – March 18

Dear CUASA members,

Today, you’ll begin delivering the remainder of your winter term courses through online or other methods. While this was not what you’ve planned, and not what you expected when the term began, we are in unprecedented times. We must move ahead with what seems to be the new normal, at least for the short term ahead of us.

Things may be difficult, and no doubt there will be challenges. Technology may not always work the way we want it to. You may be frustrated, and that’s understandable. We have heard from some members already who are having issues with Kaltura. We raised these concerns with the University, and have been informed this is a capacity issue on Kaltura’s end, which they are working to resolve as quickly as possible.

We have also been informed the University has set up a dedicated code in Banner to track COVID-19 related expenses through your PER or internal research funds (i.e. buying a web conferencing tool to deliver courses online, conference travel cancellation, etc. The activity code is COVID.

All we can ask is that you just do your best. Remember, our focus in teaching is to provide the best education possible to our students. We encourage all CUASA members to go forward with kindness and compassion.

The Provost’s office has put together some resources on how to keep on teaching and alternative forms of final assessments. If you need assistance, you can reach out to Teaching and Learning Services at [email protected].

Despite the ongoing situation, CUASA operations are continuing in an online capacity. The Steering Committee and Council are continuing to meet using GoToMeeting, and CUASA Staff are working from home. The important work of your Union continues.

Elections for the CUASA Executive will continue as scheduled. For more information on the nominations and elections process, and the positions available, visit our How to Volunteer page. Note the deadline for nominations for President is March 31; the deadline for all other positions is April 27.

The pre-bargaining survey assembled by the Collective Bargaining Committee is still running until March 31. If you haven’t filled it out yet, please try to do so before then. Your insights are important to help us prepare for the next round. Members will find a link to the survey in their email. Please note that this survey is meant only for CUASA bargaining unit members. We kindly ask that you please not share the link to the survey.

Hang in there. Together, we’ll get through this.


Angelo Mingarelli
CUASA President

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