Analysis of Academic Staff Pay Equity at Carleton

April 2015

CUASA is committed to ensuring equity in pay and benefits, working conditions and tenure and promotion across its membership. Using salary data for 2014, an analysis of the gender differential in salary was conducted.

While the raw data showed a substantial gap in average faculty salaries of over $11,000 between male and female faculty, the gap diminished to around $300 when the analysis accounted for rank, years at rank and department. The raw data placed Instructors at around $200, with a gap of nearly $2,700 when other factors were taken into account. Neither gap was statistically significant. CUASA is taking steps to address instances where substantial inequities were found in the salaries of individual members as a result of this process.

The results of this analysis highlight the advantage of a strong union and collective agreement. The salary negotiation and salary rationalization process contained in the CUASA collective agreement have ensured gender pay equity at Carleton. At other universities without a strong collective agreement pay equity continues to be an ongoing concern.

For a complete analysis, please consult the full report.

The report was prepared by Dr. Jennifer Stewart, an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration and the Chair of CUASA’s Equity Committee.

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