Bargaining News! March 18, 2025

CUASA’s Negotiating Team met with the Employer on March 12 and 17. Over those two sessions, proposals were exchanged on a variety of issues including tenure and promotion, student evaluations, rights and responsibilities of faculty and librarians, leaves, sabbaticals, term-appointments, AI, transfers between units and types of positions, and place of work. The parties were able to agree on term appointments, where CUASA made some gains around the timeline for term appointments eligibility for tenure. We are getting close on agreeing on tenure and promotion, leaves, AI, and transfers between units and types of positions, and we are making reasonable progress on other issues.

CUASA tabled counters on compensation and benefits. While the parties are still far apart on the matter, CUASA is committed to attaining a fair compensation package that keeps up with inflation and comparable Ontario universities, and to improving the paramedical and mental health coverage in our benefits.

We are next at the table with the Employer and the Ministry appointed conciliator, Paul Pooler, on March 26 and 27, and then again on April 8, 9, and 10. With a conciliator who is well versed in the academic sector, CUASA’s Negotiating Team is cautiously hopeful that we will reach a fair and equitable agreement within the conciliation process.

CUASA’s Negotiating team is determined and ready to defend our member rights during conciliation and to win a Collective Agreement that includes fair compensation and a sustainable workload.

Questions about bargaining? Visit the new FAQ page. As always, if you have any comments or concerns please contact your Council Representative or write to us at [email protected].

CUASA is tabling on Monday March 24th 9:30 to 12:30 in the Nidéyinan Atrium (across from the Starbucks). Drop by to chat about bargaining!

The 2021-24 Collective Agreement remains in force until a new agreement is ratified by both parties, or until a lockout or strike. CUASA will continue to regularly inform its members on collective bargaining.

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