Bargaining Update – June 18
June 18, 2021
Bargaining Update – June 18
As reported in our last update, your CUASA Negotiating Team has been in discussions with the University to expedite this round of collective bargaining. We are now past the point where we can say we’re in “pre-bargaining discussions”. However, our team has continued to engage with the Employer in these focused discussions. This alternative format has allowed the parties to engage in productive and respectful conversations, and your Negotiating Team is pleased with how things have proceeded to this point.
The parties are very close on the last few remaining items that the Association is hoping to settle on, such as a proper plan to address not just the gender pay issue for CUASA members, but a plan for other important projects to be discussed in the future, such as the feminization of pay and female-majority job classes and disciplines.
We have also been seeking confirmation that there will be no such plans by the University to seek creditor protection, declare financial stringency, initiate lay-offs, or review programs for closure, to ensure that a situation similar to what happened at Laurentian does not come to Carleton.
We received the Employer’s most recent counter-proposals this week, and the Negotiating Team is reviewing the document and discussing next steps.
Please continue to watch for more updates.