Bargaining Update – June 28, 2021
June 28, 2021
Bargaining Update – June 28
We reported in our last update on June 18 that the Association had received the Employer’s most recent counter-proposals and that your CUASA Negotiating Team was reviewing the document and discussing next steps.
We met with the Employer this afternoon to return on one remaining item of substance that will serve to protect CUASA members and ensure the rights and privileges of the Association are acknowledged by the University.
Our counter today also addressed two small housekeeping items: one to fix a typo, and one to correct a mistaken article reference stemming from the fact that the collective agreement got renumbered at the end of the last round.
The ball is now in the Employer’s court. If our latest proposal is accepted, then we will have a tentative collective agreement which the Negotiating Team is prepared to recommend to the membership for ratification.
In our Weekly Update last week, notice was given that a vote will be held on a series of proposed amendments to the CUASA Constitution which will allow for an electronic ratification vote, should a tentative agreement be reached. A document containing information on the proposed amendments can be found here.
We will continue to share updates as they become available.