Bylaw 11: Alternates and Proxies


Council members shall have the right to name alternates who are members of the Association from the same sub-unit to attend one or more Council meetings on their behalf.

The Council chairperson must be notified in writing prior to the commencement of the meeting(s) in question.

Alternates shall have all the rights of a Council member for the meeting(s) in which they are an alternate.

Officers of the Association shall not have the right to name alternates except in their capacity, if any, as a representative to Council of a sub-unit.


Proxy voting on any matter before Council shall be allowed provided that:

  1. the proxy is received in writing by the Council chairperson in time to be tallied in the vote count on the question at issue; and,
  2. provided the written submission of the proxy vote identifies the issue concerned with sufficient particularity to allow certainty concerning the meaning of the vote.

Officers of the Association shall have the same proxy rights as other Council members.

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