Bylaw 22: Special Rules of Order Not Specified Elsewhere

  1. Meeting agenda
    1. The normal order of business for a Council meeting shall be:
      Call to order
      Introductions (if new members are present)
      Adoption of agenda
      Corrections to / approval of minutes
      Unfinished business (itemized)
      Items arising (discussed here or later in the agenda at the discretion of the Chair)
      President’s report and questions
      Committee business (motions) and question period
      – Standing committees (Collective Bargaining, Finance, Nominations and Elections, Grievance Policy and Administration, Internal Affairs, Equity)
      – Other officers, conference attendees, and ad-hoc committees
      Business Arising from Units
      New Business
    2. The chair shall allocate and enforce time for each item on the agenda (which does not preclude the right of Council to further limit or extend time, by a simple majority vote).
    3. Steering shall distribute the meeting agenda and each committee’s or officer’s report to Council at least 48 hours prior to each Council meeting.
    4. Officers and committees that submit written reports to Council will be allocated time on the agenda for questions and motions. Motions and issues not contained in advance reports may be raised under New business.
    5. Council meetings shall adjourn at or before two hours.
  2. Speeches in debate are limited to two speeches of two minutes each per member.
  3. Members shall raise their hands to be recognized and may speak from a seated position if it is more comfortable to do so.
  4. Quorum in general membership meetings shall be the number of persons present at the time. If
    that number is less than the size of Council, all new decisions made at the meeting will be automatically reconsidered at the next general meeting except for budget considerations or a matter deemed urgent by the Chair.
  5. Quorum for an electronic vote is automatically met. Non-voters will be deemed to have abstained.
  6. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws, meetings may be held either in person or virtually.
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