
The following are the internal standing committees of CUASA:

Collective Bargaining

The mandate of this committee is to provide support (including research support) for the Negotiating Team. The committee consists of the Chair, the Salary and Benefits officer, the Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration as well as Additional members of the Association elected for two year terms.

Chair, Collective Bargaining Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny
Salary & Benefits Officer Brett Stevens
Chair, Grievance Policy & Administration Chinnaiah Jangam
Executive Director (non-voting) Jaye Horton
Additional Members Dominique Marshall (ex officio), Devin Fraser, Brian Greenspan, Malini Guha, Mary Kelly, Julie Lavigne, Stéfy McKnight, Christian Viau, & Elena Zabolotnii
Staff Support Max López, Equity & Member Services Officer


The Finance Committee shall prepare the annual budget, monitor expenses, be responsible for the audit of the Association’s finances, and recommend membership fees to Council.

The Treasurer, the President, the Vice President, one member of Council who is not on Steering, and a member of the Association who is not an Officer of the Association serve for a 2 year term.

Treasurer Greg Franks
President Dominique Marshall
Vice-President vacant
Council Member Ian Lee
Member of the Association Devin Fraser
Executive Director (non-voting) Jaye Horton
Staff Support Liala Swayty, Office Manager

Grievance Policy & Administration

The Grievance Policy and Administration Committee shall be responsible for developing Association policy on grievance handling, working with CUASA staff on administration of grievances, presenting grievances and making recommendations on arbitration to Council.

The Committee consists of the Chair, elected by Council and an unspecified number of members elected or designated by Council. The term of the Chair is two years.

Chair Chinnaiah Jangam
Members Dominique Marshall (ex officio), Safaa Bedawi, Pat Moore, & Ken Storey
Executive Director (non-voting) Jaye Horton
Staff Support Alex Aucoin, Grievance & Arbitration Officer
Hanan Mankal, Grievance & Arbitration Officer

Nominations & Elections

The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall submit to Council nominees for the Standing Committees of CUASA and shall administer all CUASA elections and ballots.

The Chair and four members as elected or designated by Council to be representative of the CUASA constituencies from among those not seeking office.

Chair Wasiu Raji
Members vacant
Staff Support Liala Swayty, Office Manager

Internal Affairs

The Committee’s role is to liaise between the Steering Committee and all CUASA Committees and CUASA representatives on other bodies. It is also responsible for proposing, developing and overseeing special projects, workshops and initiatives to serve CUASA’s members.

Membership: Chair, Internal Affairs and an unspecified number of members elected or designated by Council.

Chair Brian Greenspan
Members vacant
Staff Support


The Committee’s role is to advance the position of equity seeking groups within the union and the university.

Membership of the Equity Committee includes: the Chair as selected by Council and an unspecified number of members as needed to fulfill the mandate.

Chair Stéfy McKnight
Members vacant
Staff Support Max López, Equity & Member Services Officer