CUASA Communiqué – November 28, 2016


CUASA Communiqué

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November 28, 2016
Volume 45, Number 7



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CUASA Steering Committee

Patrice Smith, Neuroscience

Vice President
Justin Paulson, Sociology

Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology

Saul Schwartz, Pub. Pol. & Admin.

Chair, Collective Bargaining
Janice Scammell, Library

Chair, External Communications
Angelo Mingarelli, Math and Stats

Chair, Grievance
Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology

Salary and Benefits Officer

Chair, Internal Affairs
Peter Gose, Anthropology

Communications Officer
Root Gorelick, Biology

Chair, Equity
Dawn Moore, Law and Legal Studies

Chair, Nominations and Elections

Instructor Representative

Librarian Representative
Kristof Avramsson

CUASA Office Staff

Executive Director
Kimberly Benoit

Grievance and Arbitration Officer
Christal Côté

Office Manager
Deborah Jackson

Records and Space Mgmt. Coord.
Liala Swayty

Sexual Violence Policy Update

After receiving CUASA’s formal submission in response to the most recently circulated draft of the sexual violence policy, the administration met with CUASA’s President and Equity Chair to discuss concerns with regards to changes made to the policy. Chiefly, CUASA is proposing a rolling review process that will allow all interested parties to continue to work on the document after its ratification on December 1st 2016. There remain a number of unresolved concerns, and a rolling review, given the tight timelines, would be the best way forward to reaching the ultimate goal of drafting a sexual violence policy that meets the needs of our community. Additionally, CUASA will continue to push the University to limit the scope of the policy, to provide additional protections for both complainants and respondents, and ensure prevention and education lie at the heart of the policy. CUASA has worked with other groups on campus including CUPE 4600, CUPE 2424, and the GSA to craft a collective response, which has been submitted to the Board of Governors (BOG). The Board of Governors has denied our request to address the Board at the next meeting, on December 1st. CUASA will be participating in the student-organized action regarding the changes to the sexual violence policy to be held on Tuesday, November 29th at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Atrium between the Unicentre and Tory Buildings.

If you have further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact CUASA Equity Chair, Dawn Moore at [email protected].

Health & Safety: Cleaning of our work environment

Inna Bumagin and Jim Green, CUASA representatives on the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), have received several reports of inadequate cleaning of work environments over the years. Examples include dust balls rolling across hallway floors and stairwells so dusty that they cause difficulty in breathing. When a lack of cleaning becomes a health or safety hazard, it falls under the purview of the JHSC.
Cleaning services on campus are provided by a combination of Carleton University staff and sub-contractors. While individual cleaning staff are often conscientious and hard-working, cleaning inadequacies may arise due to under-staffing or mismanagement. We have every right to hold these cleaning companies to their contractual obligations. The official cleaning schedule for campus is available at

If you witness inadequate cleaning or if you have any concerns about the cleanliness of your work environment, you are encouraged to contact the Maintenance Control Centre at x3668 or [email protected]. There is a staff member within Facilities Management and Planning specifically tasked with managing the cleaning sub-contractors and he will not know of any inadequacies if we do not inform him via the MCC. Furthermore, if you feel that the schedule itself is inadequate, then we need to voice our opinions to the employer prior to these contracts going to tender again.
If you have any other health and safety concerns, please feel free to contact either of our representatives at [email protected] or [email protected].


Cyber-Bullying Workshop

With the advent of electronic courses, blended courses, and electronic course evaluations, cyber-bullying of faculty members by students appears to be on the rise across universities. Therefore, in December, CUASA and Carleton are planning to sponsor a cyber-bullying workshop that is offered to all members of the community, facilitated by Tina Daniels, Associate Professor in Psychology. Please stay tuned for dates and times for this valuable workshop.

Daniel Draper no longer with CUASA

Daniel Draper recently resigned his position as Member Services Officer at CUASA and took up employment in another city, for which we truly wish him well. The rest of the staff at CUASA (as well as our many faculty volunteers) have been assisting with duties in the CUASA office.



Carleton University Academic Staff Association
2006 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6

Phone: 613-520-5607
Fax: 613-520-4426
Email: [email protected]

November 28, 2016
Volume 45, Issue 7

Editor: Root Gorelick

Council Members
Steering Committee Members
Staff Members

Copyright © 2015 Carleton University Academic Staff Association. All rights reserved.
Produced by members of Unifor Local 567.



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