Complete the New CUASA Contact Preference Form!

November 16, 2017

We’d like to stay in touch!

In the event Carleton University no longer permits CUASA to use its email system, we will need each member’s personal contact information.

By completing the form and submitting it to CUASA, you are providing consent for CUASA to use your personal addresses to contact you during this bargaining round.

For any questions or concerns, please contact:

Audra Diptee, Chair – Internal Affairs at [email protected] or Chi Cheng Wat – Collective Bargaining Support Services Assistant at [email protected] .

 Click here to complete the CUASA Contact Preference Form!

Thank you for your continued support!

Interested in volunteering? Contact the CUASA Main Office for details about current vacancies and other volunteer opportunities.

To read CUASA’s Accessible Customer Service Policy, click here.

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