CUASA Policy on Solidarity, Social Justice and Community Donations

Adopted on March 21, 2024

Approval Authority:     CUASA Council

The Carleton University Academic Staff Association (CUASA) recognizes the historical significance of faculty unions in upholding progressive values, academic freedom, human rights, and social justice. As a labor union, CUASA derives its strength from maintaining a supportive and reciprocal relationship with sister unions in post-secondary education and other sectors.

CUASA’s monetary donations are intended to be consistent with and further the association’s goals and objectives. Through these donations, CUASA may participate in social and trade union activism on humanitarian and practical grounds. Donations may be made to support others in related circumstances and to uphold the principles of collective bargaining. This policy outlines the limitations and responsibilities associated with solidarity and general charitable donations.

  1. CUASA’s solidarity actions and donations must align with and promote the association’s goals and objectives.
  2. CUASA may use its donations to engage in social and trade/labour union activism. The primary purpose of providing financial support to various groups and causes is to:
    1. Advance educational equity.
    2. Promote social justice.
    3. Enhance democratic bargaining.
    4. Respond to miscellaneous requests for humanitarian aid in exceptional circumstances.
  3. Organizations or causes without a discernible connection to education, social justice, humanitarian, and collective bargaining concerns are not eligible for funding.
  4. CUASA will only make solidarity and general charitable donations to non-profit groups and organizations.
  5. CUASA’s annual budget will include a line item for “Solidarity Donations,” with a minimum allocation of $10,000 CAD. Any changes to this amount must be approved by the CUASA Council through the passing of an appropriate motion.
  6. All donations in a year must be within the limits of the annual budget line for “Solidarity Donations.”
  7. Contributions will be made until the funds for the year are exhausted, following the protocols outlined below.
  8. CUASA will make solidarity contributions to members on strike or locked out, as follows:
    1. $2500 to another union at Carleton
    2. $1000 to another OCUFA/CAUT member association
  9. If an OCUFA/CAUT member association is on strike for more than a week, CUASA may decide to contribute an additional $1000 CAD. Any such additional amount is at the discretion of the Council and contingent on the availability of funds.
  10. The CUASA Council may authorize a solidarity contribution of up to $1000 to a striking or locked out union in the higher education sector in Canada.
  11. The CUASA Council may authorize a solidarity contribution of up to $500 to another labor-related organization in Canada, beyond the higher education sector.
  12. The CUASA Council may authorize a solidarity contribution of up to $500 towards an initiative of an organization related to human rights, social justice, humanitarian aid, and disaster relief.
  13. The CUASA may contribute up to $5000 CAD towards Scholars at Risk Network Canada.
  14. The CUASA may contribute $1000 CAD towards non-profit Community based organizations.
  15. The Treasurer will report on the expenditure under this budget line at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
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