CUASA Stands in Solidarity with OSSTF

December 3, 2019

CUASA Stands in Solidarity with OSSTF

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), which represents 60,000 teachers and education workers across the province, gave notice of a one-day strike for tomorrow, December 4. This strike follows several days of information pickets and a withdrawal of administrative services that began in late November.

CUASA stands in solidarity with OSSTF in its ongoing the fight to ensure a better education for all students in the province of Ontario. We support OSSTF in whatever actions it deems necessary to reach a fair deal, including strike action.

“Our members are educators too. When it comes to education, we’re all in this together,” said CUASA President Angelo Mingarelli. “Ontario’s education system is one of the best, and we call on the province to bargain in good faith and help keep it that way.”

We encourage CUASA members to join a picket line tomorrow, if your regular schedule allows, and show your support for teachers and education workers here in Ottawa, and across the province.

CUASA members should note that the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has advised that elementary, as well as secondary schools, will be closed tomorrow if the strike proceeds, as the OSSTF also represents education workers in OCDSB elementary schools.

In case you missed it, Provost Jerry Tomberlin sent a message this morning encouraging all Carleton faculty and staff to communicate with their chair or supervisor should flexibility be needed to make alternate arrangements for child care.

OSSTF bargaining updates can be found here:

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