CUASA Travel Policy

Adopted on November 16, 2023

Approval Authority: CUASA Council


CUASA Administrative Processes for Travel

 Advanced Approval for Travel

Your travel on behalf of CUASA must be authorized in advance with the signature of President or the Director. Travel requests below $1,000.00 must be approved by the Steering Committee; travel requests in excess of $1,000.00 must be approved by Council. Such approvals are required before the Travel Request Form will be signed by the President or the Director.

The CUASA Travel Request Form can be found here.

Claiming Travel Expenses from CUASA

The fundamental principle underlying these guidelines is that people should not be out of pocket for necessary expenses incurred while on CUASA business, providing such expenses are reasonable. CUASA will not be responsible for undue charges. A list of Potential Expenses is found below.

CUASA will pay for return transportation (including airport transfers, taxi, or public transit fares, parking), hotel accommodation, and necessary meals following current CAUT Per Diem Rates (listed below). Members are strongly encouraged to use unionized air carriers and hotels, unless there is no other option available.

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, members should book direct flights and flights on fuel-efficient planes whenever possible. Members travelling to locations within 300 kilometers of Ottawa are encouraged to use available rail, bus, public transportation, or carpooling options.

In all cases, receipts are required for expense claims made while travelling for CUASA business.

All receipts should be attached to a list of all claimable expenses, with a date and your signature, and submitted to the CUASA Office.

Payment of expenses is contingent upon full attendance at the authorized meeting, submission of receipts, and authorization by the President or Treasurer for reimbursement of the expenses incurred.


Potential Expenses


Book economy fares; business class is to be used only if you are travelling over a meal time. If there is a VIA RAIL sale when you are booking, please take advantage of the promotional rates.


Choose the least expensive airfare available. Arrangements should be made as early as possible to benefit from possible “early booking” discounts. In no case will CUASA pay more than the regular economy fare, or the lowest fare available.


Please consult with the CUASA Office about using a rental car if appropriate. If you must use your own car, mileage will be reimbursed at the current CAUT rate of $0.58/km.


Parking may be claimed where necessary. Receipts or other documentation are required for reimbursement.

Public Transit/Taxi/Ride Share

Use public transit when efficient and safe to do so. Taxi or ride share charges are allowable where necessary.


Reimbursements for meals will be made in accordance with the current CAUT per diem rates:

As of October 2023, current rates are:

  • Breakfast $23.60
  • Lunch $23.90
  • Dinner $58.60
  • Sundry $17.30
  • Potential Total per day $123.40.

Meals are sometimes provided at conferences and workshops. Reimbursement at the rates above will only be made in cases where meals were not provided.

Hotels/Other Accommodations

When possible, reserve early using the lower conference rates arranged by CAUT, OCUFA, and others for their events. Receipts are required.

In the event that a hotel accommodation is not possible, and you wish to make alternate arrangements, when and if safe to do so, (i.e. AirBnB), please contact the CUASA Office before making any bookings.


The following items will not be reimbursed: hotel services such as movies, mini-bars, laundry, etc.; pet care, personal entertainment and refreshments.


Travel Paid by OCUFA

For workshops and meetings sponsored by OCUFA, travel arrangements need to be made through their travel agent and the agent, in turn, will bill OCUFA directly.

For accommodation at OCUFA events, please make arrangements through OCUFA’s Administrative Assistant, Lisa Alexis ([email protected]); the hotel will invoice OCUFA directly.

For other expenses incurred (i.e. mileage, parking), calculations will be based on the rate at which OCUFA reimburses. Check with Lisa for the current mileage rate. Send receipts to Lisa Alexis along with a completed OCUFA Expense Claim form for reimbursement.

Any travel to OCUFA-sponsored events not paid for by OCUFA will require pre-approval from CUASA in accordance with this policy, using the Travel Request Form linked above.


Travel Paid by CAUT

CAUT Council

CAUT pays for one Delegate’s travel (car/VIA/flight) for each affiliated local per CAUT Council meeting. The travel claim form is part of the Council package and can also be found on the CAUT website. There are two Council meetings per year, one in November and one in April. Normally CUASA’s delegate is the External Relations Officer. The President will normally attend the two CAUT Council meetings as the Alternate Delegate.

Given that CAUT Council meetings are usually in Ottawa, there is no need to claim travel or accommodations from CAUT, with the possible exception of transit or mileage to reach the venue. Such claims should be made to CAUT using the travel claim form as part of the Council package.

CAUT Committees

If you have been elected to a CAUT Committee, all your meeting-related expenses will be paid by CAUT according to their policies. Expense claim forms are provided on their website, at the committee meeting or in the agenda package.

CAUT Workshops or Conferences

With pre-approval, CUASA will pay expenses for attendance at CAUT Workshops or Conferences unless you are an organizer. If you are an organizer you are likely a member of a CAUT Committee in which case CAUT will cover your expenses.

Any travel to CAUT-sponsored events not paid for by CAUT will require pre-approval from CUASA in accordance with this policy, using the Travel Request Form linked above.



Per CUASA Bylaw 19, members serving as CUASA delegates to Affiliated Organizations shall be required to:

  1. Submit a brief written report to the President following meetings of the affiliate to which they are a delegate; and,
  2. Where practical, consult in advance with Council regarding significant issues to be raised at meetings.

Members sponsored by the Association to attend conferences shall submit a written report to Council following the conference.

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