CUASA Update – July 8, 2022

July 8, 2022

CUASA Update – July 8, 2022

New Steering Officers

The following CUASA members started new terms on the Steering Committee on July 1, 2022:

  • President: Marylynn Steckley
  • Past President: Angelo Mingarelli
  • External Relations Officer: Mayurika Chakravorty
  • Chair, Nominations and Elections: Jeni Armstrong
  • Librarian Representative: Martha Attridge Bufton
  • Instructor Representative: Ahmed Hassan (incumbent)
  • Treasurer: Greg Franks (incumbent)
  • Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration: Chinnaiah Jangam (incumbent)

As a reminder, you can learn more about your CUASA executive members on our website.


EDI Research Fund 

The University has solicited feedback from CUASA on an upcoming Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Research Fund, which we wanted to share with the membership to gain additional insights on how we can improve it. We would like to hear from eligible members who might be interested in applying for such a fund once released.

The document, as proposed by the University, can be found at this link: Carleton University Proposal – Creation of a Special Research Fund. CUASA is in the process of creating a response and will share that document with the membership for feedback once it is ready for distribution. We welcome your input and have provided a webform for feedback which can be found here: Feedback Form: EDI Research Fund.

CUASA is planning to host some information sessions regarding the EDI Research Fund (dates and times to follow). Please continue to watch for updates.


Reminder for Annual Report on Teaching Effectiveness (ARTE)

This is a reminder that although the June 30th deadline to submit the ARTE to your chair or director for career-related decisions may have passed, there is still value in completing it for your own personal reflection on your pedagogical and scholarly choices.

The University and the Association plan to release the next ARTE in the spring of 2023 along with the SEQs, and will be seeking feedback for the ARTE in the fall. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on how the ARTE can be improved to further teaching and learning excellence at Carleton.

Please find attached the ARTE for faculty membersthe ARTE for instructors, and the Guidelines for the ARTE. We encourage you to read the Guidelines prior to filling out the ARTE.


ICYMI: Update on Gender Pay Study

As previously announced, the University provided information on the gender pay study to the Association at the Tuesday, May 31, meeting of the Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement (JCAA).

At that time, the University stated that there is no gender pay gap. The University has provided a documentprepared by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning that CUASA can share with its members.

CUASA requested and received the complete data for the study to ascertain the validity of the University’s findings. Updates will be shared with the membership as they become available.


Updating Gender with Carleton Human Resources

CUASA had received some inquiries from members asking how they can change their gender identity with the University. We have confirmed that the process is for employees to send a message to [email protected] from your Carleton email requesting to make the change. If you do not get a response from the general HR email, you can email Mandy Hair in HR at [email protected] with your request.


Academic Community Updates

Welcome to Nigmendra Narain, OCUFA’s new Vice-President

OCUFA is proud to announce that Nigmendra Narain has been elected as the organization’s new Vice-President. Since 2000, Nigmendra has been a Lecturer in Political Science at Western University, teaching first-year students and courses in International Relations and TV & Politics. He has been involved with the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association in many roles, most recently as the association’s President. His term will officially start July 1, 2022.


June NewsWire: In conversation with the new CAUT President, Peter McInnis

Every month CAUT sends a newsletter with the latest CAUT and post-secondary education sector news. In the June issue:

  • In conversation with the new CAUT President, Peter McInnis
  • First House of Commons session under new Liberal-NDP agreement concludes
  • CAUT at the House of Commons Science and Research Committee
  • ‘Organizing is always the key’: the AAUP’s General Counsel, Risa Lieberwitz
  • The half-a-million-dollar gender pay gap for women professors


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