Daily Update – April 3

April 3, 2020

Daily Update – April 3

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Yesterday in our JCAA updates, we included a link to the MacOdrum Library’s website to assist members with copyright and intellectual property concerns, which you can find here. As mentioned, the website also includes copyright infringement templates to give notice to websites hosting material that belongs to you.

The University has made us aware that Course Hero has an online submission form that faculty members can use if you need to issue a takedown notice. The form needs to be filled out by the copyright owner or an authorized agent. It can be found here.

CUASA advises all members to ensure that you include a copyright notice on any materials you are sharing with your students online. The following is the recommend copyright notice from the MacOdrum Library’s page:

© [year]

This work is the intellectual property of the instructor (unless otherwise noted), and is protected by law. Unless a users’ right in Canada’s Copyright Act covers the particular use, students must not publish, post on a public Internet site, sell, rent, or otherwise distribute this work without the instructor’s express permission. Failure to abide by these restrictions may constitute grounds for academic misconduct proceedings and/or legal action against you.

If you have questions about fair dealing and your other rights to use works for educational purposes, please contact [email protected].

Pre-Bargaining Survey

CUASA wishes to thank all of those who filled out the pre-bargaining survey in preparation for the 2021 round. Although the circumstances under which the survey took place have changed dramatically, we had more than 225 members fill it out and share their concerns with us. The results of the survey will be analyzed soon, and we’ll share those items of importance with the membership. CUASA is also thinking about conducting a second survey in this new emergency online teaching and entirely electronic climate. More on this later.

Nominations for Steering Positions

The nominations period is open for executive positions on the CUASA Steering committee. Information on the nominations process, and a list of open positions, can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Nominations are open until Monday, April 27.

If you are interested in any of the open positions, we strongly ask that you consider running. The work of the Association continues, despite the current environment we find ourselves in. We return to the bargaining table next year, and will need the support of our members for this important work. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. The Collective Agreement recognizes CUASA work as Service in members’ annual reviews.

COVID-19 Response Resources

OCUFA has put together a webpage with a list of valuable resources for responding to the COVID-19 situation. You can find that here.

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