Digital Learning Committee

Digital Learning Committee

April 8, 2019

Dear CUASA members,

In accordance with the Letter of Intent re. Digital Learning in the recently ratified Collective Agreement (p.228), a Digital Learning Committee was formed.

As detailed in the Letter of Intent, the mandate of the Digital Learning Committee is “to develop recommendations on workload and compensation associated with digitally-based course development and delivery”. This will include “various related issues, including but not limited to the following: definitions, development of online (web-based) courses, teaching support, workload and compensation, course revision, licensing and cancellation policies.”

The CUASA representatives on this committee would like to solicit input from CUASA members. In particular, we would like to hear from those of you with experience in developing and instructing digitally-based courses (the definition of which also forms part of the mandate).

If you would like to contribute to the discussion please contact [email protected].

Warm regards,

Bruce Tsuji
Beth Martin
CUASA Digital Learning Committee Representatives

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