Further Updates – March 16

March 16, 2020

Further Updates – March 16

Message to Members Abroad

The federal government has announced that it is closing our borders to all except for Canadian citizens and permanent residents effective this Wednesday, March 18. Any passenger, regardless of citizenship, showing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to board a flight bound for Canada.

The government is encouraging any Canadians or permanent residents abroad to come home.

The University has communicated to us that CanadaLife (previously Great West Life) will treat any claims from the coronavirus as they normally would according to plan coverage. Members with specific questions can contact CanadaLife here, or Carleton’s Benefits Officer Lori East at [email protected].

Employees who are travelling also have access to Carleton’s SOS program to assist individuals who are stranded or find themselves in difficult situations. You can find information on the SOS program here. If you encounter any issues while travelling, please inform your Chair/Director and CUASA immediately. You can reach us at [email protected]. Members who are abroad and need of assistance should also contact the federal government’s consular services at +1(613)-996-8885 or email [email protected]. Toll free numbers are available for certain countries. A list can be found here.

Dedicated COVID-19 Page and FAQ

We have launched a dedicated page for COVID-19 updates on the CUASA website, including a list of frequently asked questions. This page will be updated as relevant information becomes available. You can find this page here.

CUASA Office Closed

We have decided to follow public health suggestions and implement social distancing practices to protect our staff, our members, and their families. Effective this past Friday, March 13, the CUASA Office is closed until at least March 31, 2020. The situation is changing rapidly, and this may change. Updated information will be passed on to members as it becomes available. CUASA Staff are working from home to continue to provide services to members as best we can.

Sugar Bush Event Cancelled

In light of public health recommendations to increase practices of social distancing and limit non-essential trips out of the home, CUASA has decided to cancel the Sugar Bush event scheduled for Saturday, March 28 at the Sucrerie du Terroir. Any members who have already paid will be refunded. Contact [email protected] for information.

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