Grievance Advisories – May 22

May 22, 2020

Grievance Issue – Advisory 1

It has been brought to the Association’s attention that members are being advised by various sources, including the EDC, that they will be responsible for providing technical support and assistance during their courses. Members were also informed that part of the rationale for this self-support was also because there was no support being provided during evening classes. Additionally, members are being discouraged from synchronous learning formats for this reason.

We wish to remind our members that they continue to have the right to organize their courses, even if online, as they deem appropriate. Members should not be discouraged from synchronous learning formats via implicit threats that technical assistance will not be available.

It is incumbent on the employer to provide the necessary services and support to our members even during these difficult times. If members are informed that their classes are being scheduled during periods of time when they will not have access to proper technical support, they are advised to make an immediate request for their classes to be changed to times when the Employer is able to provide these services. For those members who require special timetabling to accommodate their home-life teaching situations, they too are entitled to support during these times. If members are informed that they are not able to receive the same level of technical support, members must be made aware that their human rights are being violated in the denial of their request for accommodation.

For further advice, please contact [email protected] without delay.

Grievance Issue – Advisory 2

This week the document “Principles and Procedures for On-campus Research at Carleton University” was released without any consultation with CUASA. One major concern to the Association is the threat of potential discipline (Appendix II) for failed “compliance” with these procedures or any future procedures the Employer intends on implementing.

Members are reminded that it is the Employer who is required by emergency laws to properly plan and provide the necessary resources and equipment to safely reopen. The Association takes issues with the intended investigative procedures and the lack of expressed rights that unionized workers have in any alleged disciplinary situation.

Members who believe they are being unfairly accused or threatened with discipline under this new policy should contact [email protected] without delay.

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