Letter of Support for the Carleton University Postdoctoral Association

November 2015

Matthias Neufang, Dean, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
Robert Monti, Director of Labour Relations, Employee Relations and Compliance
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5B6


Dear Matthias and Robert,

In a few days you will be back at the bargaining table with the Carleton University Postdoctoral Association (CUPA) in order to negotiate their first Collective Agreement. Please note the Carleton University Academic Staff Association stands united with the CUPA in asking that you give them a fair deal, one which is in line with the rest of Carleton University’s full-time unionized staff.

Currently Carleton University Postdoctoral Students are paid low salaries, work unpaid overtime, have little to no job security, and receive no guaranteed wage increase to keep up with inflation or to recognize their time working at Carleton University. In addition to this they also have no formal grievance procedure to protect them in conflicts with their supervisors and this can be detrimental to the future of their careers.

We ask that you commit to offering members of CUPA extended benefits equal to those that all other full-time Carleton University Staff receive, that you ensure them a minimum salary and an annual economic wage increase so to ensure that their wages keep up with inflation, and that, of course, they be treated fairly and with respect by their Supervisors and the University. Although this sounds logical it should be part of their Collective Agreement.

As Canada’s Capital University Carleton needs to hold itself to high labour standards for its full-time staff in order to sustain the academic excellence that the University prides itself on.

When you return to the bargaining table we strongly encourage you to keep these requests in mind, and give the members a fair deal, equal to that received by the rest of Carleton University’s full-time staff.


Angelo B. Mingarelli
CUASA External Relations

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