Membership Form

All full-time faculty, instructors, and professional librarians are automatically members of the CUASA bargaining unit. This means members pay dues to CUASA, and we bargain on their behalf with the University. Bargaining unit members also are allowed to participate in strike votes to decide if a strike is possible, or ratification votes to approve a new collective agreement.

All new bargaining unit members are sent a welcome letter on hire and are invited to fill out a membership form.

Completing a membership form gives bargaining unit members full rights as members of the Association, meaning these members also have a say in how CUASA operates. Association members can attend membership meetings, put forward motions from the floor, vote on motions, approve the annual budget, serve on CUASA Council, Steering, or one of our standing committees, and have an overall say in the workings of the Association.

If you haven’t filled out your membership card form, or aren’t sure if you’ve completed one in the past, please do so using the form below.