CUASA Statement on the Israel-Palestine Crisis

October 11, 2023

Statement on the Israel-Palestine Crisis

CUASA stands against the mass killings, murders, wounding and abductions conducted by Hamas on Israeli civilians Saturday morning. CUASA also stands against the Israeli retaliation against non-combatants including the ceaseless bombing and siege of the Gaza Strip. In addition to these attacks, the past five days have shown us a barrage of hateful messaging including antisemitic, Islamophobic, and racist imagery and remarks. CUASA sends its sympathy and concerns to the members of the Carleton Community who are suffering from the violence brought on by this crisis, and to those whose family and friends are directly impacted.

In the midst of this violence, we also marked the observance of World Mental Health Day yesterday, October 10, a day which felt dissonant with the current world events. Mental health can sometimes feel like a luxury only afforded to a privileged few. Even those who are physically safe may be experiencing a range of emotions, PTSD triggers or flashbacks, survivor’s guilt, and any number of other responses. Check in on your friends, family, colleagues, and students who may be impacted, and remember that you are not alone.


  • Humanitarian Support for Israel and Occupied Territories – Magen David Adom (MDA), Palestine Red Cross Society (PRCS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC):
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